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RoR Videos and Streams

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RingmasterJ5, May 9, 2013.

  1. RingmasterJ5

    RingmasterJ5 Aquatic Astronaut

    Thought this would be a pretty good thread to have. Post LP videos and links to streamers with a focus on the game here.

    Currently the only person I've found that regularly streams RoR is twitch.tv/ScumbagBert, who actually received an early copy of the beta and has already streamed it a few times.

    On the LP side of things, it's impossible to forget the whole Northernlion crew.

    Link others you've found below!
      Restarter000 likes this.
    • DNLK

      DNLK Scruffy Nerf-Herder

      Cool thread I appreciate this. Looking forward to see some great LPers playing RoR.
        Restarter000 likes this.
      • Regulith

        Regulith Void-Bound Voyager

        I can't believe I've been a Cinnamite for so long and didn't know Bert had his own channel...

        DC and NL (the latter whom I have to thank for introducing me to this game) are the only streams I've seen playing the game so far, hopefully the word spreads out to some more big streamers or some people who have been playing RoR in the shadows come to the surface. I've seen some videos come up in the YouTube sidebar but I haven't checked any of them out unfortunately, there's just something about streams that I prefer over videos in RoR's case.
        • joey4track

          joey4track Ketchup Robot

          Hey guys, here is my first harcore run of the closed beta I just uploaded to YT. I am just starting my channel and have never done videos before so please go easy on me!!:p

          I am going to upload my second run as HAN-D but it will take awhile to upload, I made it pretty far on the second run and I'm am going to upload the last part first because it's only 4 minutes long and showcases the new level and many of the new mobs and bosses. That should be up within the half hour and then I'll post the first part because it is much longer but I'd like to let everyone see the new stuff ASAP, so check back in with the channel in a little while if you want to see all the new stuff.

          In the meantime, feel free to check out my first hardcore run here:

          EDIT: If you just want to skip to the crazy hardcore action on the new level with new mobs and bosses you can just skip to this video:D

          • Bluerooste42

            Bluerooste42 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          • Myth

            Myth Space Penguin Leader

            My beta gameplay ^^ next parts coming soon.
            • Nyarlathotep

              Nyarlathotep Void-Bound Voyager

              I don't do commentary but I uploaded some bandit gameplay on a whim.
              I had a good run so i just wanted to record it and I thought I may as well upload it.
              • KartProwler

                KartProwler Aquatic Astronaut

              • Joskineide

                Joskineide Astral Cartographer

                Soon I'll be posting some LPs of RoR, I'll try to show every class and item in the game(and sometimes bugs I know :p)
                • Bluerooste42

                  Bluerooste42 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  Note to everyone -
                  If you want to stream or just record, I highly reccomend OBS, it uses less memory than XSplit for streaming, and doesn't completely destroy your FPS while recording.
                  If you don't stream you can still use it to make good local recordings.
                  If you need help configuring it, PM me.
                  • KenboCalrissian

                    KenboCalrissian Master Chief

                    We (the SewerBuddies) made a couple of RoR plays about a month ago, when we first heard of it. They are here:

                    and here:

                    Next time my g/f and I are together to record, I'd like to get some co-op action!
                    • Ghos7Soldier

                      Ghos7Soldier Master Chief

                      Would love to stream some for everyone when I get into the beta, if I do. Only playing the demo at the moment, unless some would like to watch me anyways on the demo.
                      • orra

                        orra Space Hobo

                        Hey guys I'm about to stream some risk of rain, come join me!
                        • plasmaman2

                          plasmaman2 Phantasmal Quasar

                          I might be streaming tomorrow
                          EDIT: I'm not gonna be streaming this for awhile but i might make some videos.
                          • Zezarict

                            Zezarict Big Damn Hero

                          • Myth

                            Myth Space Penguin Leader

                            Apologies for the slight desync.
                            • Pychnight

                              Pychnight Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                              I thought it would be nice if anyone posted there live streams in one topic.

                              Give a small description of what mode you will be playing and which character is your favorite, so far.

                              My live stream is at I currently stream other games and mod development / level design. I am streaming RoR currently showcasing the easiest ways to kill each boss.

                              Feel free to stop by and check it out.
                              • Bluerooste42

                                Bluerooste42 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                We already have so many of these threads. Search bar. Hell, pretty much all these threads are already on the frontpage. We've even already had one of these threads. And it was going fine.
                                If a mod sees, this, can we just combine all these stream/video threads?

                                Edit - Put them all into here if possible.
                                • Myth

                                  Myth Space Penguin Leader

                                  • needsomemiracle

                                    needsomemiracle Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                    Sweet vid.

                                    That power gap between you made me think it'd be fair if, once one player is dead, the exp the other one gathers is split 50/50 between both players.

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