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Bi-Weekly Build Challenge(Re-Done)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by RedPanda_Warrior, Oct 2, 2016.


.What build themes would you like to see for this challenge in the future?

  1. Airship

    2 vote(s)
  2. Igloo Village

    1 vote(s)
  3. Patchwork

    2 vote(s)
  4. Research Lab

    5 vote(s)
  5. Underwater City

    2 vote(s)
  6. Cave City

    5 vote(s)
  7. Temple

    2 vote(s)
  8. Forge/Metalwork

    4 vote(s)
  9. Tomb/Graveyard

    2 vote(s)
  10. Resteraunt

    4 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    So, I made a weekly build challenge thread in screenshots, but it appears that no-one is noticing it. So, I decided to post in the starbound discussion, so it will get more views. Because you can't really have a contest without any contestants.
    Anyway, the weekly build challenge is a biweekly contest where competitors post screenshots of builds that fit under the biweekly theme. For example, say the theme was, Airship, then people would post pictures of airships that they built. Using premade structures that you built beforehand are not counted. Voting is based off of likes: If you have thto most likes on your post, then you will win. If you have the most likes but for some reason your build doesn't count, it will be disqualified. If you are disqualified, don't worry; you can participate in the next round. You don't need to tell me before it starts: Just post your screenshot! Only one screenshot per person per round. Every two weeks, the challenge will change to a differ not theme. All screenshot must be submitted by October 14, since that is the end of the first challenge. The following day, or sometimes the day of the winner announcing, The new build theme will be released. As said, you do not need permission to participate.

    This Biweeks build theme is starting sort of simple:Desert Village! Post a screenshot of a build that relates to this.
    (What I mean by desert village is like a village that has the style of those homes you find on desert planets with the wallpaper and oil lanterns. If you don't know what I'm talking about, visit a desert planet and look for the home structure that matches what I just talked about.)
    FadedSketch likes this.
  2. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    Admin mode and mods are allowed
  3. FadedSketch

    FadedSketch Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sure, I'll see if I can participate. Sounds like a fun way to practice building things! :D The no admin/mods rule will also make it interesting. :rofl:
    just to be clear, is this the type of housing you're talking about? desert_house.png
  4. Mariel141

    Mariel141 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I thought the theme was science lab? I just finished mine! 3:
  5. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    Yes, that type of house. Also, you seem to have it wrong;Admin mode and mods are allowed and encouraged. Of course, I do have my own deciding method, likes are not all of it. Likes just help me siphon it down. So if you do manage to do without admin, and get a
    lot of likes, you will get bonus points.
    Oh! Sorry about that! I posted it here because nobody was seeing the thread. I should also clarify, you should say if you are going to participate, just to let me know, or else I'll think the thread is abandoned. About the science lab, next Biweek will probably be science lab, so hold onto it.

    Also, I will be away October 14, so winners and new theme will have the be decided the day before.
  6. Mariel141

    Mariel141 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Okay, as long as I can use my science lab from the last challenge in the future one. :D

    And yep, I'm into this challenge too! I like having prompts to build from.
  7. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    Tip of the week: Wooden logs can be placed, and when not connected to other logs, their flat side is the only thing visible! This should help when trying to imatate those houses!
  8. FadedSketch

    FadedSketch Subatomic Cosmonaut

    oh, lol. I misread your post. sorry. :p awesome, I'll hopefully start working on it soon. ^^
  9. Mjollna

    Mjollna Phantasmal Quasar

    Hello !

    Here's my entry for the desert house round :)

    I didn't use admin commands, and I don't use mods.
    (slight edit to change the screenshot, since the sand from the storm was hiding some of the roof on the background).
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
    stickyicky and Mariel141 like this.
  10. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    Yes! I solved the account issue, now i can use this through my computer, so i can send screenshots now!
    Great, but you seem to have misread the prompt: Desert Village, not just one house. Great work though, i would keep it as part of the village, maybe as a farmhouse? Besides that, looks great!
  11. Mjollna

    Mjollna Phantasmal Quasar

    Thank you ! :) Yes it's a small farm.

    Sorry I thought "village samples" were ok. I don't think I'll have the time/energy to make the whole village, it's a huge work for a 2 weeks challenge.
  12. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    It doesnt have to be a huge village: and all houses don't have to be this size. You can make replicas of the smaller versions, and then have occasional bigger houses!
  13. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    So, how do i take screenshots and post them here? can i do it off of steam? if so, how?
    That large tree.... how do you get those???
  14. Mjollna

    Mjollna Phantasmal Quasar

    You mean the tree on the left side of the screen? I think it was the planet's saplings. It's Vinnland Legion V, coords 40, -7, and the house is a little left from the spawn.

    I can't tell you for sure about taking screenshots on Windows, I'm afraid. Maybe some program like Fraps can take screenshots for you if you don't use Steam utilities?
  15. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    Ok, then.
    Well, i just finished building my own desert village, but since i don't know how to take screenshots, its useless.
  16. Mariel141

    Mariel141 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    If you play through steam, just hit F12.

    You have to open the game through steam though. If you open it via a shortcut on your desktop, it doesn't work for some reason.
  17. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    Yes, but how do I transfer screenshots from steam to the forum?
  18. Mjollna

    Mjollna Phantasmal Quasar

    If you've located the folder where the screens are on your computer (something like this ? https://steamcommunity.com/app/211820/discussions/0/648813728511581077/ ), then when you reply to a post there's the option "upload a file" next to "post reply". It allows you to choose the screen and attaches it to your post. After that, below the reply frame you'll see a thumbnail of the uploaded file. You'll have the option to include it in the post body as a thumbnail or full size. To do that, place the cursor where you want the screen and click on the appropriate button.
  19. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    ok, so like this.

  20. RedPanda_Warrior

    RedPanda_Warrior Star Wrangler

    20161004185824_1.jpg Here's a picture of my county jail...
    20161004070754_2.jpg And that's my town hall.

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