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Outdated Babelrap's masks mod(with sword) Mojito

Four masks with different abilites! And they glow!

  1. Babelrap

    Babelrap Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Babelrap submitted a new mod:

    Babelrap's masks mod(with sword) - Four masks with different abilites! And they glow!

    Read more about this mod...
  2. Kamidarko

    Kamidarko Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hello friend, I went and downloaded your mod to check it out. So far the masks seem nice from a view but I have been unable to craft any of them as I can not seem to find the blank mask in any characters creation menu. Another thing is that some of these masks seem a tad too powerful for how easily they can be acquired, mostly in the realm of energy re-gen, and armor for a mask that already gives you glowing. So perhaps touching those down a notch or even making a tiered mask system would be better. One other thing I would like to point out is that you should include images of your mod items in game to show potential users exactly what they are getting, or at least covering the basics of the mod. People are a lot less likely to just download from a text only description. Hopefully you will take some of this into account because I would love to see this branch out! Masks with abilities sounds like a really cool mod to have.
  3. Babelrap

    Babelrap Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I kinda figured they would be kinda op for what they were,I was considering making them require materials that would be pretty hard to find but you got any good ideas for how they should handled that would be great.As for not finding the blank masks,yea,I thought that would be a problem as that whole idea was a last second way of not making the mask crafting so simple.
    Also do you know how I could take screenshots so I could put them up on the mod page?Not having any is definitely a problem.
  4. Kamidarko

    Kamidarko Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    To take screenshots in game, press F1 to remove the hud if you want to and then either press print screen on the keyboard and paste that screen in to paint or just use steams screencap with F12, I think. The materials on some of the masks are not that bad but the void flower and the vaporpunk are considerably easy to be that strong. The use of flowers is interesting in the crafting recipe but only needing flowers and a basic metal makes it feel like the reward is more than the effort. Now you can do a lot of interesting things with this though. On one hand you can keep the recipes as they are but alter the stats on the masks to be more unique to each of them. Such as have the energy and health re-gen effect on void mask, but not as much armor, and maybe cut out the glowing for this one. Seeing as how it is absorbing light and all. On the Vaporpunk mask it is cool that you have oxygen and water breathing but seeing as how the stats are always the same this one just seems more worth wearing than the others for those reasons. SO maybe you could make it to where the mask gives off more heat but less other stats or at the least get those stats more in line with something feline in nature. Such as keep the energy but lower the armor and raise the heat, like a cat at play or a cat in the sun. Now the Fryed mask is good, probably not much anything to improve on there, you really need to work to get that mask and the recipe is great with its molten core, maybe tweak the warmth on this one though seeing as how you are on fire and everything. Same with the bullet mask really, just focus more on the stats that make it more unique. On the other hand you could keep all the recipes the same but make the vaporpunk and void flower masks a tad weaker, like starting masks compared to the other two but weaker. That might not be the best idea though as people would then just want to rush the better masks and not really get a use of the ones before them. I sadly have no comment on the sword or its stats as I have not crafted it yet, though it does sound interesting. Remember though that this is your mod so you can do with it as you please, so take from this what you will and use it as you please, I plan on using this mod practically regardless of what you change or not. Also make a chucklefish mask.
  5. Babelrap

    Babelrap Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Gotcha,i'll see about the changes, and thanks for the screenshot tip! Also I might and a few more masks that mess around with base stats instead of just bonus effects.:)
  6. Kamidarko

    Kamidarko Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That sounds cool.
  7. Kamidarko

    Kamidarko Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I should mention that you should fix that basic mask issue first though before altering anything about the masks. A hotfix would even be wise, as having it so far impossible to acquire the masks is problematic.
  8. Babelrap

    Babelrap Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I honestly don't know where to start with that though as it works properly on mine,which is weird. :( Does the basic mask or ingredients show up as a generic item? Or is it something else?
  9. Kamidarko

    Kamidarko Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    probably it is a mod conflict so I will go and sift through them to find out if it works on vanilla and if it is a mod which one.[DOUBLEPOST=1413939830][/DOUBLEPOST]As it turns out it was not a mod conflict. I went and removed all mods and even tried it with only the Tubala Rasa mod but in neither case did the blank mask show up in my basic crafting or crafting table menus.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2014
  10. Babelrap

    Babelrap Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well the starbound.log doesn't show anything wrong with it and,it is craftable for me,I should probably just scrap the blank mask thing. Also I think I might be encountering the same problem your having when I recently added in some clothes. The json coding was all clear and no problems show up,but the clothes still don't appear. I wonder what's up with that?
  11. Kamidarko

    Kamidarko Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It is odd that it doesn't work for me even in vanilla but it would probably be best to not have a blank mask anyway and just go with a starter mask. Perhaps something added to a players starter items or something of the like.
  12. Babelrap

    Babelrap Subatomic Cosmonaut

    ok, I got rid of the blank mask in favor of just wood planks since I couldn't find a way to make them stater items BUT ALSO I finished two more masks and testing out another hat item that might be interesting.Once all of this is done all I gotta do is make screenshots and the update will be ready. :DD
  13. Kamidarko

    Kamidarko Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Looking forwards to it.[DOUBLEPOST=1414064734][/DOUBLEPOST]The best screen shots you can do would be ones of each that shows off the stats and descriptions as seen in the crafting menu, and then one of each of a player wearing it. Maybe also show the sword but I think it would be neat to have that be a fun little bonus item.
  14. Babelrap

    Babelrap Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Babelrap updated Babelrap's masks mod(with sword) with a new update entry:

    Babelrap's masks mod(with sword and extra!)

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. Kamidarko

    Kamidarko Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So I was finally able to get some time to look at the masks, both old and new and I must say this is a rather nice improvement! The recipe changes are intuitive and just hard enough to make the masks worth the effort put in, and the new masks look good and seem interesting so good job all around. One thing to note though is be weary of saying that parasite line in the description as it might infer to others that you are just uploading a virus. One thing I thought you might give try to is changing some of the masks into a form of back item, such as a cape or covering so that people could get at least 2-3 of the items to work together. Like making those things with glide be on the capes for a more authentic feel and have a lot of interesting combinations. So far so good, remember to upload enough pictures to show off each mask, or at least some of the more basic ones and maybe make a vid of some of the features in action, such as the glide or the parasites life giving poison. Good mod so far though definite 4 out of 5. A bit of polish and this could be one of the better clothing mods on here.
  16. Babelrap

    Babelrap Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thanks! As far as videos though i'm afraid I don't have a way of making any,at least I don't think so. :( If steam has a way of doing that then i'm still outta luck since the game crashes if I don't use 3D analyser to run it. I did think about making back items but that probably would take a longer time to do since people would probably want them to be animated which would mean making sure EVERY frame works right (not that good at making sure an object is consistent when moving). I did make this little mod because of the scarcity of original clothing mods, but i'm still a noob at modding in general (this mod was gonna have clothes but they just wouldn't appear so...). But thanks for the support anyways. :up:
  17. TiddleFits

    TiddleFits Void-Bound Voyager

    can we get some pics?
  18. Babelrap

    Babelrap Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Pics of the masks? Go to the update tab to the latest and click read more, they should be there
  19. Kamidarko

    Kamidarko Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yea it was there I just didn't realize I needed to hit read more to get the list to show up. Though looking at some of that glow affect it is rather strong given already powerful stat boosts and interesting bonuses they give you. Maybe tone it down a smidgen, but that could just be me, I really like dark and spooky lighting mechanics. Either way seems nice so far.

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