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Outdated Avali Race Mod 0.12.4

The only fluffy nomadic space raptors!

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  1. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Ketchup Robot

    Ah thought so, this project I just went with instead of a pre-made design, completely random as it was it did come out quite well, not as I had hoped but still. As I've said before visualizing something in my mind and putting it/building it is easy. Generally I try to make sleek designed ships instead of bulky designed ships. Some people actually like the look of a boxy bulky looking ship while others like pleasing to the eye aesthetics and sleek designs.
  2. GuardianofHarmony

    GuardianofHarmony Big Damn Hero

    Sooooo... wait for the mod to update then? Or do I need to delete the world file or something?
  3. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    I don't think the mod update's gonna fix it, probably need to purge your world file(s)
  4. GuardianofHarmony

    GuardianofHarmony Big Damn Hero

    I just delete the world files then?
  5. Deathedge736

    Deathedge736 Giant Laser Beams

    yup. just the world files tho. you should be able to leave any non world files in the universe folder. if that doesnt work try wiping the contents of the universe folder.
  6. GuardianofHarmony

    GuardianofHarmony Big Damn Hero

    Which files would that be?
  7. Fevix

    Fevix Heliosphere

    Files like .clientcontext which stores your current location as well as your home planet
    playerCodex.db contains every character's unlocked codex entries
    playerQuests.db is the same, but for completed quests
    Not sure what questPlanetSeeds.db or accesscontrol.config are.
    I'm fairly certain universe.chunks and universe.dat are some sort of storage for the universe map.
    And then, of course, there's the .world files. (Pretty sure you can guess what those are :p)
  8. Deathedge736

    Deathedge736 Giant Laser Beams

    .world is what you are after.
  9. GuardianofHarmony

    GuardianofHarmony Big Damn Hero

    Even then I don't know whats wrong.

    I'll just uh... post the crash log again.

    Info: Preparing Star::Root...
    Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Done preparing Star::Root.
    Info: Client version 'Beta v. Enraged Koala - Update 6' Protocol: 642
    Info: Running from : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\win32\starbound.exe
    Info: Starting from the title screen
    Info: Initialized SDL
    Info: Initialized SDL Video
    Info: Initialized SDL Joystick
    Info: Initialized SDL Sound
    Info: Opened default audio device with 44khz / 16 bit stereo audio, 2048 sample size buffer
    Info: Loading Star::Root...
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Loading Star::Configuration from '..\starbound.config'
    Info: Created initial window 1297x729
    Info: Initializing SDL Window
    Info: Re-created window 1297x729
    Error: Error loading object file /objects/farmables/banana/wildbananaseed.object: StarException: Object wildbananaseed defined twice, second time from /objects/farmables/banana/wildbananaseed.object
    _Function_handler<void (), _Bind<ClientApplication::preSplashInitialization()::{lambda()#1} ()> >::(_Any_data)

    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for chestplant1, using default
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for barvent, using default
    Warn: Missing inventoryIcon for wreckvent, using default
    Error: Could not load /recipes/alienmeatcape.recipe asset, attempting to use default.
    AssetException: Could not read variant asset /recipes/alienmeatcape.recipe
    caused by: JsonParsingException: Cannot parse json file: /recipes/alienmeatcape.recipe
    caused by: JsonParsingException: Error parsing json: unexpected character parsing word at 5:2
    Variant inputUtf8Json<char*>(char*, char*, bool)
    _Function_handler<shared_ptr<Assets::AssetData> (), Assets::loadVariant(String)::{lambda()#1}>::(_Any_data)
    Assets::processAssetData(function<shared_ptr<Assets::AssetData> ()>)

    Info: Done loading Star::Root.
    Info: Acquiring universe lock file
    Warn: Recovering SimpleDatabase at device: ..\universe\universe.chunks
    Warn: Recovery finished
    Info: UniverseServer: Creating world alpha:76750739:-79325633:-12736695:8
    Info: Generating 1 dungeons
    Info: Generating a dungeon
    Info: Placing dungeon at (3632, 1245)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: woodsupport direction: 0 position: (3713, 1339)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: woodsupport direction: 0 position: (3735, 1339)
    Warn: Failed to place dungeon object: birdjar1 direction: 0 position: (3717, 1434)
    Warn: Perf: UniverseServer::createWorld millis: 7418
    Info: UniverseServer: client connection made from local
    Info: UniverseServer: Sending Handshake Challenge
    Info: UniverseClient: Sending Handshake Repsonse
    Error: Could not load /ships/avali/dropship.structure asset, attempting to use default.
    AssetException: Could not read variant asset /ships/avali/dropship.structure
    caused by: AssetException: No such asset '/ships/avali/dropship.structure'
    _Function_handler<shared_ptr<Assets::AssetData> (), Assets::loadVariant(String)::{lambda()#1}>::(_Any_data)
    Assets::processAssetData(function<shared_ptr<Assets::AssetData> ()>)
    UniverseServer::queueConnection(shared_ptr<NetSocket>, String)::{lambda()#1}::eek:perator()()
    function<void ()>::eek:perator()()
    _Function_handler<void (), WorkerPool::addWork(function<void ()>)::{lambda()#1}>::(_Any_data)
    function<void ()>::eek:perator()()

    Error: UniverseServer: error during worker pooled job: VariantException: Improper conversion to VariantMap from null
    Variant::get(String, Variant)
    Map<String, Variant, unordered_map<String, Variant, hash<String, void>, equal_to<String>, allocator<pair<String, Variant> > > > Variant::tget<Map<String, Variant, unordered_map<String, Variant, hash<String, void>, equal_to<String>, allocator<pair<String, Variant> > > > >(String, Map<String, Variant, unordered_map<String, Variant, hash<String, void>, equal_to<String>, allocator<pair<String, Variant> > > >)
    Variant::getMap(String, Map<String, Variant, unordered_map<String, Variant, hash<String, void>, equal_to<String>, allocator<pair<String, Variant> > > >)
    UniverseServer::queueConnection(shared_ptr<NetSocket>, String)::{lambda()#1}::eek:perator()()
    function<void ()>::eek:perator()()
    _Function_handler<void (), WorkerPool::addWork(function<void ()>)::{lambda()#1}>::(_Any_data)
    function<void ()>::eek:perator()()

    Info: UniverseServer: Shutting down world alpha:76750739:-79325633:-12736695:8 due to inactivity
    Error: UniverseClient: Join failed! No server response received
    Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
    Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
    Error: Access violation detected at 0x632338 (Read of address 0)
    Error: Stack Trace...

  10. Deathedge736

    Deathedge736 Giant Laser Beams

    are you running any mods?

    it looks like there are errors with normal items in your inventory and with universe.
  11. GuardianofHarmony

    GuardianofHarmony Big Damn Hero

    I'm running a bunch of different mods, like TiberiumBound and Mitarus. Can you be a bit more specific?
  12. Deathedge736

    Deathedge736 Giant Laser Beams

    specific no. give you an idea yes: any of them that add stuff to world gen may be at fault. you also should not keep items from mods you have removed.

    edit: you should still try deleting the .world files from the universe folder.
  13. J_Mourne

    J_Mourne Pangalactic Porcupine

    Found a temple of Kluex.

    In hindsight, greeting the Avian guards with "I got wings, you jelly?" was probably a bad idea...
  14. darkmatterak

    darkmatterak Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi, guys~
    I just finished building my ship.
    So I decided to post it and share with you guys.
    It isn't a small and light weight avali design. That is because it is actually an apex medium size civilian ship.
    The point is that proper decorative lighting really give out the high-tech feeling !!!
    Thanks to the new light released by the yesterday avali update.


    I am currently writing a story how the apex ship end up in an avali possession.
    Trying to get proper screen shots for the story.
    But some points I have to ask first before I continue.

    From the wiki, I have known that Avali is a young race for space era.
    As nomads, they used to move from place to place on a single planet.
    What have become after they entered space era?
    Does normal civilian frequently move form planet to planet?
    Or they find a suitable planet and settle their nomads life style on that planet?

    Or maybe they move along several nearby planet in a certain area , instead of frequently making long distance space travel?
    Please kindly advice
  15. Calabrese

    Calabrese Guest

    Best way ever to make a Stargazer boil with rage :D
  16. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    I've fallen in love with this race - easily one of the most unique, best designed, most thought out races (and related content) I've seen!

    On another note... My starting planet on my first Avali character had an Avali village a couple steps to the left (lucky), and I noticed that the sleeping pillows spread around are facing the wrong direction. When you go to use them you end up half-embedded in the wall because of this.
  17. Raieth

    Raieth Ketchup Robot

    I think I remember Ryuujin saying that this was a problem with the game engine and not something he could fix.

    edit: Ah here it is. http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/avali-race-mod.63808/page-208#post-1858538

    A minor bug he will fix later. Just put your pillows the other way for now. Personally I like the big end under head thing, looks more comfy.

    remember you can search just this thread by using the check box that says "Search only this thread" I find using only one or two words works the best.
  18. Jeffman12

    Jeffman12 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's hard for me to visually discern this creature as it seems to be lacking a distinct outline on its parts, on top of that, my pareidolia is only capable of picking out facial features on this non-humanoid frame.
  19. Raieth

    Raieth Ketchup Robot

    This going to come out cold, and for that I apologize, but,

    1. It's parts are outlined the same way all the creatures in this game are. That you cannot see what is clearly there is not the mod's fault.
    2. Pareidolia is not a disease, please do not refer to it like you suffer from the phenomena of seeing faces in abstract shapes. That's actually something ALL humans do.
  20. legoracer

    legoracer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    A more helpful response would be to point them to the art and concepts section of the wiki. I can relate to not being able to pick out the wings from the body (looking at the sprites) when I first saw them, and I know that seeing a higher rez piece of artwork helps with that kind of issue.

    Also, I believe they were referring to pareidolia as a skill, indicated by the use of the word "capable".
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