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Outdated Avali Race Mod 0.12.4

The only fluffy nomadic space raptors!

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  1. Peacefultyranny

    Peacefultyranny Subatomic Cosmonaut

    On the note of clothing: if I were to make a journey-inspired set for the avali, would it be cool to share? Unless someone is already on that, of course!
  2. Raieth

    Raieth Ketchup Robot

    I you'd like you can shoot me the files when you are done and I'll add them to Catalina Inc.'s line up.
  3. Tremendo Dude

    Tremendo Dude Pangalactic Porcupine

    Some beautiful modwork and a beautiful thread here to boot. Kudos!

    One of the only things that has really bothered me when using this mod is the fact that Agarans for some reason use two of the Floran lines when interacting with the Avali, one of which they directly refer to themselves as Florans. Don't know if this is placeholder or not, and I don't know if this has been mentioned before.

    Aside from that, it's been a blast using this mod.
  4. Silavor

    Silavor Pangalactic Porcupine


    Jumping with the Trimmed Shoulder Wrap on causes part of it to appear through your wing initially. It goes away when the animation changes from 'jump' to 'fall.'

    As an aside, I love the new jump animation. It really fits the Avali so much better than the old "wave your hands in the air" animation.
  5. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Soldier legs have the feet part move offset from the player, but you probably already knew that.
    Edit1: Also the tables have updated sprites, but the hitbox was not changed, And is the cloak shoulders supposed to disappear if any item is held in the hand? Any movement of it from base frame and it disappears.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014
  6. legoracer

    legoracer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You may need to remove and re-place the tables to update the hit boxes if they were placed before the latest patch. (Version 0.8.0)

    The problem with the Combat Armor (and Scout's Armor) sprites is already known and has been fixed. Just waiting for it to make it into the next patch.

    See Ryuujin's post here regarding the "disappearing" cloak sleeves.
  7. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    Don't you think I would have tried the replacing with the tables? They still did not work.
  8. Professer Kokonoe

    Professer Kokonoe Void-Bound Voyager

    hello. I'm here to ask if AvaliarmorChest3 can be fully put back in 8.0 for the reason that it was a well like item and that it still works with your new vanity system.
    I have use the file's form 7.5 to restore it as it didn't clash with any of the new file's, hell the only thing that didn't work was the sleeve's would pop in knee.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014
  9. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    I really cannot wait for weapons to be made up to tier 10, I'd even settle for copy pastes of tier 4 weapons up to 10 with the apropriate damage changes, heck if you let me I'd do the whole thing myself.
  10. InADarkMirror

    InADarkMirror Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I can confirm that all tables, including freshly crafted ones, are behaving as stairs.
    Marxon likes this.
  11. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    So I had a idea for a Avali encounter type, but I'm not sure how lore-conflicting it'd be, so I figured I'd chuck it here for some words and ideas to chuck back at it.


    Concept - Avali 'Hostile' faction, the Veloci

    We all know that an Avali that suffers the loss of a pack slowly begins to grow heartbroken and may suffer psychological trauma in some degree or another. But what happens if a Avali has survived a traumatic experience, while also losing their pack at once?

    Enter the degenerate, lost soldiers of fortune, those who have been broken past the point of return. Called 'The Broken' by other Avali, but often called by the human nickname, a mix of Velociraptor and Avali- the Veloci.

    Driven to madness due to a mix of losing their pack AND the trauma scars of the wipeout event, a Veloci will outwardly show hostility towards most creatures, and perceive most actions as a threat, from attempts to hug to keeping a dagger handy to simply whistling a merry tune. More often than not, a Veloci will make it's den in the ruins of it's camp, having either chased off or murdered any remaining pack members, or find a area nearby to call itself a den. Though the lack of practice with communication skills will often lead to a Veloci becoming a silent, dumb beast at first glance, the Veloci still has as much knowledge of technology as any Avali, and tends to use gun drones and jury-rigged traps to defend it's 'territory' as it 'hunts' prey.

    Veloci however are eternal hoarders, and a Veloci den will hold dozens of crates once one can get past it's defenses and more than likely fight off it's owner, leading to a vast pile of standard loot and Avali specific equipment, like data chits and unique decor items.

    Signs of a Veloci nest include blood smeared drones actively set to target any sentients, makeshift railgun and spear traps, skulls of former victims, a wrecked avali campsite that's probably been deserted mostly for a while, and various notes of mad scribbles or claw rips by the Veloci occupant.
    Mattyrogue likes this.
  12. legoracer

    legoracer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Whoa now, simmer down there.
    First, I admit that I replied without realizing whom I was replying to. (I know you're a regular here in the topic.)
    Second, I have an idea on how to fix the problem, but since I haven't tested it, I don't know if it will work. Try placing some blocks over the area that you had the table in. What I'm hoping will happen is that by placing the blocks Starbound will be forced to update the hitboxes for that area, thus fixing your problem.

    That's strange. I just crafted each of the three tables so I could test them and they all work fine for me.
  13. InADarkMirror

    InADarkMirror Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh, question.

    I was wondering; while you've made all of the Avali-specific tiles and decorations craftable, there's no way that I know of to craft the strip- or ship-lights. Shiplights I sort of understand since they're a vanilla item and you can always rip out and duplicate the ones on your vessel, but the striplights I'm not sure I've ever seen in vanilla? Are they unique, or? If so, would you consider giving a way to craft them?

    It's hard to get an Avali build looking right without the right lighting options.
  14. Zaffa

    Zaffa Void-Bound Voyager

    I have a bug report. I don't know if it's already been reported, but pillows appear to have flipped orientation: the sleeping sprite will be on the opposite side of the pillow as it was in earlier versions of the mod. From what I can tell, it's been like this for at least the last two patches.
  15. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    @Gratuitous Lurking - I don't think you need an entire named faction just to underline that there is the occasional mad hermit ;)

    @InADarkMirror - I'm a little unsure why tables on existing games are behaving this way, but work fine on new characters. HOWEVER, i should also point out, that I have no control whatsoever over the collision detection; collision detection is generated in real-time by Starbound's core engine, and it works fine in my copy.

    However before you declare the problem is on my end you may want to make sure you have reset tile data for the area; place down fresh blocks fore and background, dig them out again, save and reload the game. If the problem persists then you need to contact Bartwe, because as I've said collision detection is handled by the core engine and is outside of my control.

    On lighting:
    I want to create some more, unique avali lighting then just strip lights. They are a temporary solution hence i did not add them to the lathe, I will be phasing them out eventually.

    I'm aware of that, the fix I tried implement didn't work and I didn't feel like suspending patch release a further 24 hours just because of a lumpy pillow (I think most people'd agree that's a fair tradeoff :p). Development will be fairly loose and rough til i get the major engine features in, THEN I'll devote more time to polishing minor bugs. But I'm getting tired of sidelining core features for the sake of non-essential fiddly bits; this is meant to be phase 1 beta development, people have way too high expectations in terms of polish right now.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014
    Calabrese likes this.
  16. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    That wasn't anger, that was simply suprise that you heavily underestimated my intelligence.
  17. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    Maybe not, but it was a random idea after all for a random encounter. The random name crazy sillyness naturally may not be required but hey, could be something silly for a Human to bring up :p
  18. InADarkMirror

    InADarkMirror Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    I noticed this a while ago, but figured I should bring it up: there appears to be an invisible platform inside the ship. Anybody else get this? I've torn up all the tiles around it, put them back, invisible platform is still there. If I move much further to the left in that pic I fall off of it.
  19. legoracer

    legoracer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would like to point out that my character (Eijo) is an old one from just after the last character wipe, so I doubt it has anything to do with the age of the character. The only difference for me is that I hadn't placed any tables until after you released version 0.8.0.

    Would it be possible to just flip the sprite? Or is the problem a bit more complex than that?
  20. Zaffa

    Zaffa Void-Bound Voyager

    Really? I quite like the strip lights to be honest- they're probably one of my favorite lighting items in my game atm (if you look back at my moon base i lit it almost exclusively with the little buggers :p ) What sort of lighting options might we expect in the future? Avali-themed spotlights? Wall sconces?

    Also, regarding table collision detection, I literally just encountered a fresh avali village a few minutes ago. The villagers were wearing the new clothes, everything was fine and dandy, but lo and behold the tables were still behaving like the old ones. Removing and replacing them didn't fix it, unfortunately.
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