1st september progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Legris, Sep 1, 2013.


    MRGOOGLES Phantasmal Quasar

    hmm... making it more narrow for new players? I hope not because narrowing what to do really will upset me(to many games do it now for the "new" players). I assume it wouldn't be to harsh though but please cater to just making the game have depth and not simplify it.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  2. hailsatyr

    hailsatyr Void-Bound Voyager

    xDDD I know it's overused, but it's so funny xDD
  3. marchello35

    marchello35 Big Damn Hero

    Omg only they said the start not all the game
    Lord Hatty likes this.
  4. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Looks good nothing cooler and a pterodactyl that is fuchsia and can't fly.
  5. Cyan4235

    Cyan4235 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Vegeta, look! A pokemon... I'm gonna catch it!
    Toasty likes this.
  6. It's nice they aim for get at least 3 tiers up for be enough content to launch beta, instead finish all 10, and this kind of stuff gets finished to be ready for launch :D
    tassina, Baku Vicen and Axe Garian like this.
  7. 1John5vs7

    1John5vs7 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I understand your concern sir, but at the same time, you've got to take into consideration there may be someone who decides to play this game who has never played a sandbox game before or who has never played a game, period. That person needs to be walked through the basics of how to move their character, how to craft some basic items, how to interact with the environment, etc.

    I think that's the kind of stuff that C-fish is talking about. And at any rate, you don't HAVE to do any of the starter quests at all. You can just close out of the quests and go do your own thing.

    Yes...but what does the scanner say about its power level?

    Poor Molly: the only girl in a sea of game nerd. What happened to Rhopunzel?
  8. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

    Since when did the newsletter tell anyone anything of significant value? But I do like how it lures you in with "release date" on the front page there, yet here we are with < 4 months to go, and no confirmed schedule outside of "2013".
    imo: they can all fall under "hype" gimmicks with no real purpose. You're most likely correct.
    We wont see anything until November is my guess, full release sometime in December 2014.
    Pingeh likes this.
  9. Belgoliad

    Belgoliad Phantasmal Quasar

    Just so long as we don't get cliffracers.
  10. Gears

    Gears Contact!

    This is sooo much better than GTA, hands down. No choice there. Choosing between a brown-gray craphole with the same game disguised with better graphics, or one of the best games ever made?
    Axe Garian and SPOOKS80 like this.
  11. St Fonz

    St Fonz Existential Complex

    :facepalm: is my only response. Take it as you will.

    Prymael and killpay like this.
  12. Gears

    Gears Contact!

    You do know that there is SO little difference between GTA 3 and 4, right? Only one or two new things, it's just like free roaming COD. >_>
    Medenutcracka likes this.
  13. Loria Cesaille

    Loria Cesaille Big Damn Hero

    tassina, Prymael and killpay like this.
  14. ShadetheDruid

    ShadetheDruid Pangalactic Porcupine

    Here we go, the mindless fall into the pit of hate that is someone mentioning CoD.. :zzz:
    tassina and Medenutcracka like this.
  15. Lord Hatty

    Lord Hatty Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    But for real, if you're losing hype over this game because of a very vague estimated release date, I really think you need to take a break from these forums.
    If it's giving you so much grief that you have to be negative on every single update, then perhaps you're spending a bit too much time lingering on this game.

    We're all excited, I know, but downing on anyone who has hopes that the game will be great is fairly rude of you to do, and pretty unproductive.

    As for the people saying "Full release December 2014", so what? What's your point? Not only is 2013 an estimate, but the devs have touched on the subject multiple times saying that they are very intent on releasing a beta this year, and that they really have no idea how long it'll take from there.

    I mean honestly, the process is completely random. Bugs crop up sometimes, and it can take anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks to fix because the coding issue can lie extremely far back. Not only that, but sometimes implementing something that you expect to take 3 days can end up being your most arduous project and implementing something you thought would take forever can take a mere 12 hours. Point being, the process is entirely sporadic, so setting a definite release date on it is near impossible.

    As for beta, they said they were committed to a 2013 release, so just sit back and wait. And if it's really taking the poop out of your colon, take a break from the forums and go play some catch with your dog. I'm sure it'd appreciate that.
    tassina, Gears, SPOOKS80 and 6 others like this.
  16. Medenutcracka

    Medenutcracka Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is the most well written reply in this whole forum.
    tassina likes this.
  17. GermoDante

    GermoDante Void-Bound Voyager

    I would like this game not to drift down the road of making bosses like the aforementioned "giant space hamster"... even if it was a case of sarcasm.
    Me myself would prefer bosses that look, sound and act as what they are, bosses. They must be dangerous, powerful and challenging, and if possible be ugly as hell. I liked the whole business of the flying saucer being the first boss, but the little penguins... just not my cup of tea.
    Don't get me wrong, love the game and I'm dying to play it, I would like it to be a little bit more serious and a little less absurd/cute/childish. With that said, If you end up fighting purple unicorns as end game bosses... I would still play the game and love it.
  18. Lord Hatty

    Lord Hatty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I mean it WAS the first boss, so it was I think meant to be kinda cutesy and silly. I'm sure they'll have more frightening bosses as they go along.

    Why, thank you! :DD
    tassina likes this.
  19. VeriChip

    VeriChip Void-Bound Voyager

    where did they say just 3 tiers for beta? Not that I don't trust you...
  20. Lord Hatty

    Lord Hatty Scruffy Nerf-Herder

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