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ZimaZang's Vanity Closet 1.2

A collection of various vanity items for Starbound!

  1. Update 1.2 - Smaller Than Anticipated

    I've been really busy lately and didn't get much time to work on the mod, so this update is a loooot smaller than I'd hoped for, but I needed to push it quickly for a bugfix.

    New Back Item: ZimCo Power Cell
    New Hat: Gore Magala Helmet
    New Hat: Tank Head
    New Weapon: ZimCo Rifter
    The Finisher now has an animated spinning barrel.
    The Finisher now slows enemies on hit, making it more of a suppressive weapon.
    The Trickster's charged shot flames no longer deal self-damage.
    The Trickster's arrows now fly faster and farther.
    The Fish Flinger no longer deals self-damage.
    Updated the firing sound for the Finisher.
    Updated the texture of the Trickster.
    Updated the texture of the Fish Flinger
    Buffed the Devastator's damage, at the cost of more energy.
    ZimCo weapons no longer require arsenal tickets, but now use tier 1, 2, or 3 tech passes.
    ZimCo weapon explosions no longer emit light, but the projectile itself does. This helps avoid the previously occurring crash, while giving the desired effect.
    Outfitter and Arsenal tickets no longer require a winning ticket, but instead require 10 paper.
    Vanity Closet renamed to Outfitter station.
    Fish Flinger renamed to "ZimCo Fish Flinger"
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