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Your Starbound Crew 4.98

Go on missions to collect a crew for your ship!

  1. Rinnol
    Version: 2.1
    I needed to re-rate this mod after i only gave it four stars. I love my crew and while I had to relocate my faithful crew to my HQ with the exception of a few key member's i love to have aboard, their still awesome. I love that each of them can help you through the tiers and that most of the items you get from them make early useless items into items that are amazing and can really help you with your exploration and make it that much more of an experience for me and the game.
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      Thanks, hope you all enjoy today's experimental update!
  2. TalanthasTheGimp
    Version: 2.1
    Wonderful addition to the game. My crew members don't seem to wander too far from where I have original placed them, which is awesome. My doctor stays in the medical facility on my ship, etc. Like many people have said, I would *highly* recommend downloading a ship mod, or you will get very crowded on a vanilla ship.

    The only complaint that I can really log here is that there is almost *too* much content. I get lost. There are so many merchants and so many things to craft, and so much to explore. I also play with a lot of mods, so it is easy to get lost in the shuffle and find out how much of it is truly balanced or not.

    I would love to see a series of tutorial quests along with this mod, to really show you what it can all do, and walk you through gathering and building all of the required resources to complete your crew. Certainly not necessary to give this mod a 5/5, but it would be cool to see.

    Great work, keep it up! A+ Mod
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      If I can get it to work for Mac users, the next update will actually scrap the crafting of the crew. Instead, you'll get a book of coordinates to a planet where you can go and find them yourselves. Thanks for the suggestion!
  3. Aidan
    Version: 2.1
    Amazing mod. 10/10 : ) have not experienced every crew member yet, but I know I will enjoy the other ones.
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      Thank you!
  4. Mr.Gentle
    Version: 2.1
    I love the mod but without a custom ship mod your ship will get real crowded. Otherwise it's an amazing mod.
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      Yeah, agreed. I just use a base if I don't have enough space. I'm also thinking of adding a custom ship to the mod but not sure which one. Maybe the tier 5 human ship that Tiy showed off.
  5. Quad
    Version: 2.1
    I'm not too keen on this mod for the fact that it can be exploited to ruin gameplay at some points:

    -If a player on a server beams down to a planet never visited before by players without the mod, anyone who attempts to beam down to the same planet will crash, corrupting all character data and wiping it on the next startup of starbound.
    -On using the hunter's obelisk which is fairly simple to craft, tens of thousands of pixels are shot out of it making the currency system unbalanced.
    -The pet spawner can be clicked multiple times per second resulting in a massive flood of dogs inside a certain areas when abused.

    I would recommend the mod to anybody looking to decrease the difficulty of their gameplay by having easily obtainable merchants always at hand. However, although it visibly works in multiplayer mode, I would discourage the use of it when playing with friends.
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      I'll fix the monster beacon, but the other two point seem a little unfair: only very basic mods work on multiplayer when everyone doesn't have them, this is an issue with everyone not having the mod installed. The dog bowl is like that because the dog will not persist between coming down on and off the ship, plus the dog drops nothing, so it's not really an abuse. Thanks for the feed back though, I do want this mod to be balanced.
  6. darkshyoa
    Version: 2.1
    I've only been playing for a couple of days now, but this is a really good mod. The variety of functional crew members is great, and with the addition of merchants, I am even happier with it than I was before. Highly recommended.
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      Thank you so much!
  7. Rinnol
    Version: 2.01
    The Mod seems really cool and i would love to play it but for some reason the spawner for the first mate isn't showing up... still a 4 for fantastic looking mod, amazing effort and others reviews saying its a great mod.
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      My mod runs off of the tier system in the game, so you have to reuse your map upgrades to gain access to the crafting. If that doesn't work shoot me a message and I'll help further.
  8. Nikolay Debroh
    Nikolay Debroh
    Version: 2.01
    Just Amazing
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      Glad you enjoy!
  9. SkyPirateRusvul
    Version: 2.01
    Great mod. I've voted 4/5, the only reason it's not totally top-marks is because there's a few loose ends and balance issues, but considering it's still in development, with loads of new stuff, that's absolutely understandable. In general, a really great mod, very diverse and helpful.
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      Thanks! If you have the time to shoot me any of your thoughts on balancing, I'd love to hear it.
  10. draco1122
    Version: 2.01
    I love this mod so far is a must have for starbound very balanced so far. Somethings I would like to see is / fixed maybe. Is the teleporter broken I cant use it underground havnt tested above yet? Also where is the music items? Tiered Captains Pistol / Blaster. Tiered Bandages on the doctor and blueprints. Gardener? not sure what that may require maybe hard. Like I said 5 stars as is but would love to see these things. Good work
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      Thank you! Teleport is currently broken, I'm still trying to find the script that teleports you.
  11. Velornar
    Version: 2.01
    Could be an awesome idear, but it doesnt work on my save (in fact its the third time i restart and it doesnt work), i cant creat the spawner for Love-jones. Its seems to have a conflict with tabula rasa.
    The spawner (1 pixel isnt it ?) appears as a perfectly generted item
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      It should be 300 pixels, I'll download Tabula and see if I can help further.
  12. Ebon_Wolf
    Version: 2.01
    good so far i enjoy it hope to keep seeing good things
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      Well I hope you enjoy! More to come, but if you guys have any ideas that'd be great!
  13. moonmanz
    Version: 2.0
    Absolutely amazing mod, my favourite by far. Starbound just doesn't feel the same without it. And with it adding new things regularly, it just gets better and better! Kudos to the person(s) behind this!
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      Just one, and thank you very much!
  14. morbo
    Version: 2.0
    100% recommended! Don't miss out on this fantastic mod, click download, try it out, and then give it five stars.
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      Haha, thank you!
  15. Doctor Headshot
    Doctor Headshot
    Version: 2.0
    I love this mod. Haven't used it much and in awhile, but its still awesome.
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      Glad to hear!
  16. Nick679
    Version: 1.42
    I realized I never actually gave this mod a rating, so I figured I should fix that. lol I'm giving it a 5/5 because after using the mod for several weeks, I've never actually been unsatisfied with it. The mod does exactly what it states that it does, and whatever glitches or problems that are reported are promptly fixed by the creator to the best of his ability. Thank you for all the hard work, and for making such a great mod!
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the review, almost done with version 1.5!
  17. jimmerson
    Version: 1.42
    Great mod with few issues. My giant space ship is a lot less lonely with a crew.

    -Jones is almost always in my captain's chair. I can't fly with her in it. I always have to talk to her and wait a bit till she leaves.

    -My doctor and hunter disappeared. Respawned them eventually, but my doctor seems to be missing recipes for upgraded stims? His crafting table only makes 3 things, the bed, bandages, and something that isn't medical stims.
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      I'll try to work on making Love-Jones stop sitting so much, it's pretty annoying. The despawning thing seems to be the game's issue, not mine sadly, but I've made them printable in the 3D printer for that reason. For the doc just try reusing your upgrade kits , that should work . Thanks for the feedback!
  18. DarkRider664
    Version: 1.42
    While this is a good addition to starbound it falls short of a 4/5 star rating. Mostly due to the fact that once you unlock your crew you're able to basically buy any boss spawning item from the lore crew member. Which to me effectively turns this a form of cheat mod. Not to mention that with the engineer crew member you could buy drills, which negates really ever needing to make or upgrade tools. I feel this breaks any progression the game had to begin with.
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      Are you sure you've updated to the latest version? All upgraded drills require you to have crafted the normal drill first, and the lore master hasn't sold the boss items for a few updates. Those were fair criticisms, but I took care of both of them a while ago.
  19. Damiano de' Caretti
    Damiano de' Caretti
    Version: 1.42
    Excellent,just one thing:can we make the loremaster sell also the vanilla codexes?
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      Yeah! I'll add more soon, I'll work on making a bookcase crafting table where you can craft some of the specie's codexes.
  20. Thomas25181
    Version: 1.42
    This by far one of the best maybe even the best this and the colonies mod together are just the best duo to have a really nice game
    1. Luminaesthesia
      Author's Response
      Thank you!