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Outdated Xtendo-Flare Stable

Makes flares last 5 minutes.

  1. Ariskelis
    I saw a thread, someone was saying flares didn't last long enough. I looked into the files. Flares last exactly 20 seconds, according to it, and I figured I'd make them last longer, because why not. Now they last 5 minutes.

    If you want to change that, go into the mod file>projectiles>throwable>flare and open the patch file up with notepad++ or similar. Change the "Value": 300 to however long you want them to last, in seconds. Yay.

    Built for the latest Stable. Place in \Starbound\giraffe_storage\mods.

    Have any other simple-ish requests? Feel free to hit me up. I'm bored 90% of the day and I could use something to do.

Recent Updates

  1. Moar Flares! Also, edits

Recent Reviews

  1. TCRN030
    Version: Stable
    Nicely done sir! This is a VERY useful mod that seems more realistic. All we need now is a flare that won't disappear when an enemy touches it lol
  2. Baleur
    Version: Stable
    Simply great. 5 minutes is sensible, possibly the time you need to find your way back after a tunnel exploration. But not long enough for it to last forever when leaving the planet.

    20 sec is just too low, no use for them really.
  3. Guthrie28
    Version: Stable
    Very simple mod, and yet, very useful.
    1. Ariskelis
      Author's Response
      Thanks! :DD