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Outdated XIPHO [custom speed exploration shuttle] 2014

The "Xipho" its a customized ship based in the ECCA 721 structure

  1. Black Mud Customs

    Hello there! we are new to Starbound, we are a"custom-aerospace company"
    that focus on prefabricated ship-mods and turn them into new upgraded versions.
    Our teamwork specialized in design and space engineering were from different
    factories in the universe like the responsible for the "Logistics Frigate"Beef Time.

    we count with 6 important sponsors to date:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    This time we want to present you our first custom ship, " XIPHO "
    an exploration shuttle with speed increased to twice the limit of the
    base ship (ECCA 721) the key features in this ship are:

    - Anzunden T20-Beutelbär Engine
    - ONA 1 A.I. systems by Hakuri
    - Logistics Frigate external body structure
    - Eucalypt cooler by Sneg Syst
    - Menthol life support by Sneg Syst
    - M.S-P.T. by Portalisk

    and much more details to make your exploration of the universe
    more comfortable, secure and fast, thats our goal in BM Customs

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Real Size

    We are very excited that you download and test our Xipho,
    we know that you will like it and will not regret it. we are open to
    any advice or comment on the construction of our ships,
    Please tell us if you use mod assests or show us your work,
    we are mainly interested in color schemes or animation adds.

    with nothing more to add...
    thank you very much for your attention.

    Mod Pack Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.

Recent Reviews

  1. maxibon9009
    Version: 2014
    Please update this for the newest version of the game, i always used this mod before the tiered ships came out, i really would like to be able to use this ship again!
  2. That.Fellow.Dutch
    Version: 2014
    Deciding between this ship and SERRA is a tough one. Keep up the good work guys! Any chance of an Apex ship in the makings?
  3. DeathEagle2004
    Version: 2014
    It's great.Enough said.
  4. stalerin
    Version: 2014
    I love small ships! They prevent you from making it your home. There so small and cozy, And i like how the walls aren't 1 inch thick. Very well done.
  5. foxguynecro
    Version: 2014
    OH MY GOD ITS AMAZING, i was searching for a cool little ship like this for so long i now theres some out there but this one is some hard work you now very awesome keep it up ;D
    1. Black Mud Customs
      Author's Response
      thanks! =D , we are pleased to know that the Xipho can fulfill your needs of transportation across the universe, we hope you can stay around to see our future ships ;)