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Outdated Weapon station & Blacksmith 1.4 (Upbeat Giraffe)

Upgrade your weapons ... (just stock up batteries)

  1. Lua-code was rewritten and optimized.

    1. Lua-code was rewritten and optimized.
    2. Now 1-2 cells will have a greater influence on weapon parameters.
    neka027 likes this.
  2. Some changes in code and other

    1. In Blacksmith: The text of the message after improving of speed is corrected.
    2. The price of devices is changed: for Weapon Station - 3000 px, and for Blacksmith - 2000 px.
    3. Changes in recipes: Now in Stone Furnace it is possible to make Nano Cells. In Alloy Furnace now recipes with steel. Remaining recipes are transferred to Sci-Fi Furnace.
    Scorpiocrow likes this.
  3. Some changes in code and other

    1. In recipes: Decreased resources requirement for all types Nano Cells.
    2. After upgrading will be shown Information message - what has been improved.
    3. If "Rate of Fire" or "Energy per Shot" or "Speed" can not be changed, then Green or Red Nano Cells in a device will not be used.
  4. Added a new feature to the Weapon Station

    Now the station may increase the rate of fire for the guns.
    This will require Red Nano Cell (see recipes in Stone Furnace, Alloy Furnace, Magnetic Crucible)