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Weapon Reassembler (WIP) 0.4beta

Change your gun's appearance

  1. A Very Dangerous Clown (take two)

    This is a (more-or-less) stable version.

    What's new:

    - [Rename] button is gone. [Reassemble] is all you need.
    New renaming supports up to 30-chars long names. Also, it actually works.
    "New" weapon name defaults to current one. If the "new" name equals the current one or is empty it is ignored.
    Hitting [Enter] while in the renaming textbox is similar to pressing [Reassemble].
    This option by itself doesn't require a template.

    - Recoloring
    Is based on vanilla clothing dyes which should be put into corresponding slots, one per weapon part. Currently does NOT consume dyes since it's beta. But eventually will.
    Most dyes have several options to choose from. Supported are all the vanilla combinations (except teal - there is no teal dye although I've included settings for it in the palette file). Dye Remover can "restore" any weapon part back to vanilla colors (to completely reset the weapon, including the colors and tooltip, use "Revert"). The external palette file can be extended to support any dyes following vanilla JSON config structure (only in "unpacked" mod version).
    This option by itself doesn't require a template (you can de-select all weapon parts).

    - New interface
    These changes include new buttons. And background. Also, preview can now do a primitive zoom (it cycles between 1, 2 and 3; x2 by default).
    Possible errors with incorrect options selected are indicated by beeps (old) and text messages (new) in the status window. Some hints to understand "what am I doing wrong?"
    With that I'll take a break due to problems with my hardware. I'm not abandoning my work, but planning future dev is more difficult now, so no ETAs. The code should be stable enough to be used by general public.
    Please report any and all bugs you encounter - while I can't promise feature updates I'll do my best to provide hotfixes.
    OkeAni likes this.
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