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Outdated Warhammer 40,000 (40k) Items 0.05a

User contributions welcome!

  1. More 40k awesome!

    You guessed it:
    Melta: [​IMG]
    Shoota: [​IMG]
    Storm Bolter [​IMG]
    Wraithcannon: [​IMG]

    and because stickman1 is a chaos fan, we got a present for ya:
    Chaos Chainaxe[​IMG]
    Chaos Bolter: [​IMG] (thanks,...
    commandandc and NerArth like this.
  2. Angry Koala Patch

    Nothing new here except the player.config file now meets the spec for today's update to Angry Koala.
    commandandc likes this.
  3. More Guns and better install!

    Two new contributions this week!
    Pulse Carbine (art by pixelhunter)
    Plasma Pistol (art by Xlotl)
    Ready for you to slay some xenos!

    The mod is now updated to use the Offended Koala mod install system.
    Please delete the old files before adding this mod to your game.
    For install instructions, see the main mod page.
    commandandc likes this.
  4. More weapons, sounds and projectiles!

    You guessed it!
    Gauss Flayer
    Shuriken Catapult
    Hot-shot lasgun (Hellgun)

    Plus, boltguns have a new sound effect.
    All the weapons now have a level that allows them to actually work with the new update.
    commandandc likes this.
  5. New Structure, user contributions, sound effects and, of course, new weapons!

    I have updated the version number because I have adopted a proper file structure for the mod.
    No longer are there just loose weapon files.
    To play with the weapons, just extract the files into the assets folder in your starbound directory.
    i.e ...\Starbound\assets

    Why did I do this?
    Becase of this guy:
    squibbles ...
    commandandc likes this.
  6. Walk softly, and carry a greatly oversized bolter!

    Added the mighty boltgun. All other weapons are available in the pack.
    In the classic red colour.

    Also, I updated the pulse rifle with new sound and better muzzleflash. No more Pew-pew!
    commandandc likes this.
  7. For the greater good...

    The Tau Pulse Rifle. (Added to pack)
    commandandc likes this.
  8. Force Halberd

    Added the Force Halberd, iconic grey knight weapon.
    Pack includes both the chainsword and force halberd.
    commandandc likes this.