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Outdated Warhammer 40,000 (40k) Items 0.05a

User contributions welcome!

  1. More 40k awesome!

    You guessed it:
    Melta: [​IMG]
    Shoota: [​IMG]
    Storm Bolter [​IMG]
    Wraithcannon: [​IMG]

    and because stickman1 is a chaos fan, we got a present for ya:
    Chaos Chainaxe[​IMG]
    Chaos Bolter: [​IMG] (thanks, pixelhunter!)

    Now, before you get too exited these vehicles are super early in design. The look and mechanics of these are subject to change (yeah I know the jetbike has a weird haze around the front).
    It's just that I was having so much fun with them I couldn't wait to share them any longer!

    Eldar Jetbike: [​IMG]
    Ultramarine Landspeeder: [​IMG]

    I also managed to put together a short video with some of the new mod content to show off a bit and give people an idea of what the items are like. Check it out on the mod homepage or here.
    commandandc and NerArth like this.
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