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Outdated Warhammer 40,000 (40k) Items 0.05a

User contributions welcome!

  1. King Titan Rex
    King Titan Rex
    Version: 0.05a
    Please Update!!!!
  2. Arkavious
    Version: 0.05a
    Maybe add the Heavy Bolter? I am a huge heavy weapon Marine fan lol
  3. Gefreiter
    Version: 0.05a
  4. Saren_662
    Version: 0.05a
  5. Dubovorot
    Version: 0.05a
    Cool mod ! I wonder if Tau equipment will be implemented ... Like "Crisis" suits ... heh =)
  6. That Bearded Dragon
    That Bearded Dragon
    Version: 0.05a
    Hey,just as a short notice if you want this for Enraged koala open the modinfo with notepad and change it from furious koala to enraged koala and it should work for you guys,if not just ignore evrything I said and wait for the patch
    1. wraithbone
      Author's Response
      Should be updated now. Was hoping to put some exciting new things in the update, but alas.
  7. Cale42
    Version: 0.05a
    Love these weapons! Any chance of uniforms and armor in the future?
    1. wraithbone
      Author's Response
      Definitely, there is a lot of artwork to be done for armour, expect it to take a while for those.
  8. cp2401
    Version: 0.05a
    I love the guns ! Iv played with this mod before this up date and i loved everything in it , but i had to change the dps and damage but other then that this mod rocks .
  9. niian
    Version: 0.05a
    So far, loving it, however, I do have some minor qualms about the jet bike and land speeder, I'm not sure if its intended, but the land speeder default position has its gun in the ground and the jet bike is only firing forward a few blocks, besides that they're ea lot of fun as are the weapons.
    1. wraithbone
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the endorsement! We all appreciate the feedback.

      Yes I know that the hovercraft both need to be able to 'hover' they are, as I mentioned, works in progress, there is a solution in the works right now.

      The gun issues are a bit more difficult to solve as the way the vehicle's bullet speeds are calculated in game is not relative to the vehicle. So if you are travelling forward fast enough you can fire a bullet moving slower than your are. Which is obviously wrong from a physics perspective ;P.

      Im not sure if I can script a solution to this but I am looking into it. The fix may have to come from the starbound devs.

      Thanks again,

  10. NerArth
    Version: 0.02a
    The weapons added are nice and visually attractive as their original selves, but the mod will require some balancing at some point, so for now it's more for the coolness.

    However, a person who downloads the mod must currently modify their own files by themselves before being able to even acquire the weapons, and this might be demotivating.
    1. wraithbone
      Author's Response
      Very true. Any suggestions on how best to let the player acquire the items?
  11. Stickman1
    Version: 0.02a
    I'd like some Chaos stuff : D
    Else it's great! (Also, you're art is great)
    1. wraithbone
      Author's Response
      It's in the works currently =)
  12. czexperience
    Version: 0.02a
    very good i like
    1. wraithbone
      Author's Response
      Thanks! There is much more to come.