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Outdated W40k Divinity Class Ship Current Version 1.05

A w40k ship replacement mod (WIP)

  1. Updated to Furious Koala (Mods folder installation)

    Thanks to DeadSquirrel for this.

    Drop in your MODS folder now.
  2. Cleaner image and a slight modification.

    All that blurring around the edges has all been cleared. (It was caused by me trying to stretch and shrink the image to fit the in-game requirements anyway, so I was an easy fix)

    I added an alternative image (one without the eagle) into the zip file for those of you who would like to be rid of it. I understand.

    Read the Read-me if you want to change the image.
  3. Moved the command chair and changed command around a bit.

    Woohoo, 4 updates in the first day. This one is really superfluous, but get it if you want to update or are having some issues with the last ones.
  4. Disregard LAST UPDATE

    Fixed something I broke with last update.
  5. Picture Update

    Updated the ship image file