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Outdated Varan Race 0.2.5 (Disgruntled Lizard) 0.2.5

Reptilian Race Mod

  1. Sorry!

    - Compatibility with Enraged Koala.
    - Minibiome, Glitch and hoard object descriptions completed.
    - Fixed __merges for some object descriptions and NPCs for better compability.
    - New NPC dialogue added and tweaks to enable spawning of Varan tool, doctor etc. NPCs through their respective spawners.
    - Food merchants now sell dirturchins. This is a temporary fix to enable the player to get more should their seeds be lost until the __merge for the edited desert.biome can be enabled.
    - Added a Varan statue in the sandstone minibiome to go with the other races.
    - Compatibility with Racial Crossover Mod.

    Sorry about the extreme delay on updates, guys! I've had a lot of internet issues, and that on top of starting college has really kept me off of the computer for a while.
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