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Outdated Vanity Station Mod 1.1.1 Enraged Koala

The Vanity Station lets you craft the vanity items.

  1. kidthig
    Version: 1.1.1 Enraged Koala
    after download it copy it to my mod folder start the game then game crashes
  2. SKyStriker101
    Version: 1.1.1 Enraged Koala
    I am planning to use this mod I a modpack I'd like to call "UniverseBound". May I use your mod? You have an excellent mod though.
  3. Skix
    Version: 1.1.1 Enraged Koala
    Made my life alot easier, thanks!
  4. narlindo
    Version: 1.1.1 Enraged Koala
    Thx man way more easier to create my caracter :)
    Now i dont need to find them ;D
    Great mod and really useful
    Tnx for the update :D
    And good work.
  5. Deadcoffee
    Version: 1.1.1 Enraged Koala
    Cool! I don't know if there's everything, but for sure it's a fun thing to do, browsing all those hats and others!
  6. Dzony_B
    Version: 1.1.1 Enraged Koala
    Keep up the fast updates :D nice work
  7. Texmar
    Version: 1.0.3 Furious Koala (Fix)
    Easy to install, easy access to crafting table but, looks like its missing a few vanity items.
  8. BeeTee
    Version: 1.0.3 Furious Koala (Fix)
    perfectly generic item
    1. Princeofmar5
      Author's Response
      PM me your log, I already fixed the perfectly generic item bug.
  9. Schleeeden
    Version: 1.0.3 Furious Koala (Fix)
    I can't even start up starbound with the mod installed. No other mods are installed, I've tried multiple times to reinstall it. Does the mod not work on Mac? Its a great idea, and I would really like to use it.
    1. Princeofmar5
      Author's Response
      PM me the errors in the log.
  10. SeigeKiller
    Version: 1.0.3 Furious Koala (Fix)
    Issue was Fixed, Wonderful Work. Cheers~
  11. vzqzgqadgr
    Version: 1.0.3 Furious Koala (Fix)
  12. SeigeKiller
    Version: 1.0.3 Furious Koala
    Mod doesn't seem to work anymore, Comes up as "Perfectly Genric Item" in crafting windows. Any info on this? Will glad change to 5 Star if it can be fixed.
    1. Princeofmar5
      Author's Response
      It's been fixed.
  13. ropefish
    Version: 1.0.3 Furious Koala
    yay i can get my stuffs back :D
  14. Dzony_B
    Version: 1.0.2 Angry Koala (Fix2)
    Can you please update this mod for furious koala,latest update please?
  15. Skidwolfe
    Version: 1.0.2 Angry Koala (Fix2)
    Very nice, I love vanity items. Im so vain Xd. Great work!
  16. sharky37
    Version: 1.0.2
    Hey, I have a question. There is the really nice looking diamond armour in the StarBound files. Dose this vanity station Include it?
    1. Princeofmar5
      Author's Response
      It will be in the next update.
  17. Nixeras
    Version: 1.0.2
    Though I really like the ability to get the vanity items, I wish they were actual recipes with logical requirements. Maybe some time in the future?
    1. Princeofmar5
      Author's Response
      I've already posted on the main page for the mod that I'm working on custom recipes. There are just a lot of them.
  18. Setsu
    Version: 1.0.1
    I don't know what's wrong. I've done everything it says and still doesn't work. I can't craft the crafting station, can't see it in any of the options. So could you tell what's wrong here? When I installed it on my old character it worked well enough. I wanted to start all over again. I couldn't see it on the character. So I decided to re-install the mod. I've installed that mod 10times now and tested it many times. I'm not exaggerating, I really did re-install it 10times. Maybe even more. I've deleted and created many characters and yet still didn't work.
    1. Princeofmar5
      Author's Response
      The current patch messed it up and I haven't had time to update, I hope after I update it you consider reviewing it again.
  19. Rasawin
    Version: 1.0.1
    love the idea, but how do we craft the zanity station? i started a new characther and everyhing for it but i dont know how to get to the crafting part of it.
    1. Princeofmar5
      Author's Response
      It is available from the start right now, you craft it the same way as the crafting table.
  20. Lodus
    Version: 1.0.1
    Missing a few objects. expected from something new. works very well currently tho, good job.
    would like to see all the clothes in the future including the mod ones if that's possible :)
    1. Princeofmar5
      Author's Response
      What are some of the missing ones?