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UT-47 Kodiak Shuttle 2.0.3 "Alpha Centauri"

A flying Shuttle! Awesome update!

  1. 2.0 "Alpha Centauri"

    I've got my friend in my modding boat now, so the sprites got super awesome!
    if you have the time, please update your reviews
    [*]New Sprites!
    [*]Environmental Protection! ( Dive into the Ocean (even if Lava or Poison), Resist heat, cold or Radiation!
    [*]Guns! The UT-47 now has 2 Mass accelerators!
    [*]New Warp Sprites!
    [*]Tilting when flying left/right and up/downwards
    [*]Now with 4 Passenger Seats ( The Driver seat is located at the front)
    If you cant get into the vehicle, or it doesnt start you need to use the driver seat which is located in the middle of the front part.
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