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USS Polaris (Tiered USCM deep-space Frigate) beta 1.7.1 (+ mod)

A large military frigate for people willing to play human and nomadic lifestyle...

  1. Extending the design...

    Hello there,
    its been a long time since I was able to work a bit on this mod, starbound have also progressed a lot, and 1.0 is maybe a few month ahead ^^
    Anyway; here is a small description of what have changed:

    - Even if this ship is clearly human oriented, I decided to open it to other vanilla races, due to the recent lore clues on a multiracial terrene protectorate in nightly builds (if not already released, I havent played a lot these times). A well armed military frigate would probably be usefull there...
    If you dont want to have this ship accessible for other races ad characters, just delete the race related files in "/USS Polaris 1.6 beta/ships"... also notice that doors, lockers and other default furnitures will be matching the race played for the moment.
    -I enlarged and merged the cockpit with the main operative room, also moved the monitoring center to the back part and reduced a bit its size.
    - Extended rear part wich have now a real engine related room at the bottom and two others related to thrusters.
    - The front turret now accessible as requested, but you wont be able to place background blocks there.
    -Extended a few pieces as comlink cuppola and warp nacelles and added more platforms in greenhouses for exemple, until I find a better design than just cleaned floran ship ones....
    - Reorganized the placement of some parts of the ship; as the observation deck, crew rooms, main aircraft bay etc to make the whole organisation more logical and less clumsy...now, the secondary greenhouse is accesible from the kitchen, because the platforms used as stairs were locking possibilities to make hatches work effectively.
    -the progression is now bit cleaner, with two version of the ship; the starting one with most system and screens off or damaged; and the other, accessible after repairing FTL, displaying warp nacelles, systems and particule deflectors on...
    -Fixed a few design mistakes, alignements toward blockfile not optimized, but there are still probably some that are still unpatched...
    etc etc...I let you try, and its very late where I live ^^

    I will have a some time in the next few days to makes some changes so dont hesitate to reports bugs or give your suggestion in the dedicated thread, I will be able to patch it quite quickly this time.
    Have a nice adventure in game.
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