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Outdated USB - Ultimate Ship Builder 1.1

Ultimate Ship Builder, providing the maximum building area currently possible.

  1. USB - Angry Koala

    Angry Koala Update is now available. Also while updating I found that I made a huge oversight when posting the original mod.

    Given that the maximum texture size in Starbound is 2046 X 2046px, I had left the color map at 255px as the color map is 1/8 the size of the ship graphic... Oops. Since this mod does not have a background graphic anymore ( you could tile them ), the map size has increased from 255px squared to 2046px squared.

    My apologies for the slip up, the new download will start you off with your ship build screen set to a medium size of 1024px to prevent performance issues, this is 4 times the size of what I had previously.

    In addition to these corrections I made 5 ship screen sizes to choose from:
    • Tiny - 256x256
    • Small - 512x512
    • Medium - 1024x1024 ( new Default )
    • Large - 1536x1536
    • Ultimate - 2046x2046 ( MAX, keep in mind a build area this large will load slower )
    I will make separate downloads for each size shortly and show how to change this manually for those who want to modify the mod file instead.
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