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Outdated (Upbeat Giraffe) Other Races Actually Recognize Novakids v6.1 Alpha

And your Novakid actually says things when analyzing objects!

  1. Omnilock
    Version: v6.1 Alpha
    Love this mod, I'd even say its one of the best out there for players who like playing as nova kids. only have a few bumps with it via self-made friendly lore i made between the races lol (I always saw a peace treaty between races like this: Avian - Hyotl - Apex and then the other peace treaty being Nova kids - Glitches - Florans, While humans are alone out there, Perhaps neutral to every race , While the two peace treaties above are against each other, similar to the axis vs allies from WW.) But none the less I love this mod :P I hope it gets future updates and becomes even funnier lol :p
  2. Nascu
    Version: v6.1 Alpha
    Would be awesome.. but cant download.
  3. DiggleDugger
    Version: v6.1 Alpha
    This still needed/work for Spirited Giraffe?
    1. L. F. Oxidizer
      Author's Response
      Unless Chucklefish changes the way Starbound handles analysis quotes and NPC dialogues, it should always work with future versions. And since doing that would require a complete rewrite of every single object added to the game so far...
  4. Screaming Pillows
    Screaming Pillows
    Version: v6.1 Alpha
    I like it :D the jokes are good
  5. Plex_Director
    Version: v6.1 Alpha
    I gave this mod a shot not expecting much from it, but HOT DAMN! Bless my brand, do I love it! All the witty lines and quips are excellent!
    I collected some of my experiences in screenshots here: http://imgur.com/a/pJCsC#11
    1. L. F. Oxidizer
      Author's Response
      Haha, thanks! I'll have a joytime seeing your screenies.
  6. Trek47
    Version: v6.1 Alpha
    It feels so much better not to have my Novakid just repeat the description of items and have NPCs only have 1 stinkin' line of dialogue for me. I hope they do something like this with vanilla Starbound soon-ish.
  7. Smileess
    Version: v6.1 Alpha
    Perfect but that comedian's joke was a bit too good xD
  8. Dexasol
    Version: v6.1 Alpha
    Finally novakids can be recoginze and have their own speech!
  9. Painkiller784
    Version: v6.1 Alpha
    Novakids have some personality now! I feel like a true space cowboy, and that's perfect!
  10. brainduster
    Version: v6.1 Alpha
    I love the NPC quotes. The inspection quotes not quite as much, but eh. It fills a void left by Chucklefish.

    Want any help with editing/spelling errors?
    1. L. F. Oxidizer
      Author's Response
      It'd be appreciated, but it would be pretty difficult to do so.
  11. Flare2
    Version: v4.1 Alpha
    I want to use this mod, but I can't open the zip. Wat Do?
    1. L. F. Oxidizer
      Author's Response
      Try changing the file format to .rar, by right-clicking it and selecting properties, and then changing the ".zip" part into ".rar".
  12. Noobbomb
    Version: v2.0 Alpha
    Thanks for this mod it makes playing as a novakid more lively now.
  13. greenRAM
    Version: v1.0 Alpha
    Nice. The novakids are great. Can't wait to see some more novakid stuff in the game.
  14. Maxiplayer
    Version: v1.0 Alpha
    very good, they should do the same with vanilla game as it's a bit sad when they keep talking to your Novakid as a stranger