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Outdated Universal Energy 1.1.4

Universal power, post-endgame tech and unique craftable energy weapons!

  1. Universal Energy: Matter Assembler, craftable energy weapons!

    This update brings some minor bugfixes, the new matter assembler to build your UE-related stuff on, as well as a bunch of craftable energy weapons!

    Thanks to GunnerWolf and Blackscorp81 for helping out with ideas and bringing issues to my attention.

    1.1 Changelog:

    -Added the matter assembler, stuff after the compressor will be built there. You can get its blueprint by running an Energy Compressor OS in the supercomputer. Anything built after the Energy Compressor needs to be built there.

    -Added six new energy weapons: the blaster shotgun, the railbow (energy-based bow), the assault cannon (a heavy minigun-type gun), the pulse sniper (a powerful sniper rifle), the siege launcher (a heavy rocket launcher usable as artillery) and the firestorm launcher (a ridiculously deadly version of the siege launcher that fires a barrage of incendiary missiles).

    -Adjusted the recipe for the supercomputer, now needs a processor instead of a circuit board (since circuit boards can be very hard to find sometimes).

    -Fixed an issue with the mod teaching the characters alloy bar recipes that they shouldn't know yet.
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