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United Systems Expansion v4.2 "Final Woes"

Hostility and Peace

  1. 3.40 19.01.2018

    - Airbase 1 completely omitted and replaced with "Warship Alpha-Romeo".
    - Updated Leeds City Campaign - New unit classes, better enemy spawns and less shitty map design.
    - Updated S-1945-XU - A small new room.
    - Updated Flakturm Flayers Part 2.
    - Updated "First Assault".
    - Added 2 Scorched City microdungeons.

    - Spelling/Grammatical fixes for codices.
    - Fixed crash for Liktov's second Luketvz Gang-related mission - It was an error in the code for "Lekutvz" instead of "Luketvz".
    - Fixed minor discrepancies in the Leeds Scrap Tank's frames.
    - Fixed incorrect damageteams for the "Bandit" Faction.

    NPCs and Monsters
    - All Enemy Vehicles in Leeds City have been revamped and now deal somewhat realistic damage.
    - Changed Liktov's Appearance.
    - Leeds City Bandits are now on the same Damageteam as the later bandits.

    - Early-War Loyalist Followers can no longer use the AT-RR.
    - Mid-War Loyalist Followers can no longer use the Bazooka or Rigotti Rifle.
    - Rebel Machinegunners no longer wield Madison LMGs and also no longer drop them.
    - Rebel Chaingunners nerfed. Ironically, can no longer use chainguns.

    - Some npcs now move slower or faster depending on their "class". This includes the Allied units during missions.
    - Standard Rebel Helicopter can now fire on the move without stopping.
    - Leeds Scrap Tank range slightly increased.

    - Added Loyalist Anti-Tank Unit - Dedicated Anti-Tank Ally. Slow in all aspects but powerful if protected.
    - Added Leeds Scrap Tank MG Variant - Created as a counterpart to the now instant-kills of enemy cannons.
    - Added Enemy Sandbag - Is what it is.
    - Added Rebel Field Cannon - The same as other usual instant-kill cannon-equipped enemies, but immobile and weak.
    - Added Rebel Field Engineer - Creates sandbags which acts as cover for enemies.
    - A completely new class of units for Leeds City.
    - Added Nazi Supersoldier.

    - Some new decoratives for maps.
    - Fixed the map for First Assault still referring to the Loyalists as the "USCM" and the Rebels as the "USCMR".

    Weapons, Armors and Items
    - Completely changed functionality of AV-12 - Now fires AP Flechettes.
    - Significantly nerfed AR-25 Flamethrower.

    - Added Enfielder - Dropped by Trench Soldiers.
    - Added Mk7 Python - Can be purchased from Gun Dealers.
    - Added some NPC-only gear.

    - Buffed Rigotti NPC Weapon.
    - Significantly buffed M30 Greaser NPC.
    - Significantly buffed MP40 NPC.

    - Minor codex rewrites.
    - Certain projectiles now have new sounds.
    - New codices.
    - New sound files.
    - Dialogue changes.
    - Increased Hoverbike HP in Flakturm Flayers by 2000.
    - Major dialogue changes and additions.
    - Treasure pool changes.

    - Major revisions in the text to turn Airbase 1 into Warship Alpha-Romeo.
    - Increased SAIL difficulty of Leeds to "Deathwish".
    - Omitted the flight trip during Flakturm Flayers.
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