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United Systems Expansion v4.2 "Final Woes"

Hostility and Peace

  1. Version 3.28-B "OLD BLOOD"

    - Updated First Assault.
    - Added 2 shielded planetary encounters.
    - Added another space encounter.

    - Fixed a game-crashing bug.
    - Fixed Compact-45 offset (finger was 1 "pixel" off the trigger ring).
    - Fixed GBI Offices.

    NPCs and Monsters
    - Added Nazi Scout.

    Weapons, Armors and Items
    - Added JP-35 (player) - Dropped by GBI Rapid Response Units.
    - Added JP-35 Akimbo.
    - Added JP-35 Assault.
    - Added Tech-60 (Player and NPC) - Dropped by Nazi Scouts.

    - Reduced recoil of Compact-45.
    - Glock 218 sprite updated.
    - Kalash Series sprites updated.

    - Updated K-Ration sprite.
    - K-Ration food value increased.

    - Added C-Ration.
    - Added D-Ration.
    - Added MRE.

    - Added 3 codexes.

    - Increased probability to find Rebel Prisons.
    - Removed some unused code.
    - Added "Ration Pack" treasure pool for existing ration spawns.
    - Treasure pool updated.
    - Isigan GBI Ship now has custom music.
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