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United Systems Expansion v4.2 "Final Woes"

Hostility and Peace

  1. Version 3.28 "Space FBI"

    - Added events hub world.
    - Added some singular space encounters.
    - Added Isigan GBI Ship.
    - Redyan ships now spawn with certain room priorities.
    - Horizontal Vent Hatches added to Redyan Ships.

    - Fixed non-functional elevator in Typhon Research Base Variant 2.

    NPCs and Monsters
    - Added GBI Rapid Response Unit.
    - Added Isigan GBI Merchant.

    Weapons, Armors and Items
    - Reduced price of Warwolf Pulse Rifle.
    - Added Isigan Gear for npcs.

    - Added "Annual Events" Map for unlocking the events hub world.
    - Added Horizontal Vent Hatch.
    - Changed description of finishing Halloween 2017 IV-2 Nightmare trophy.

    - Halloween 2017 IV-2 Nightmare trophy now gives out the quest, then redeems automatically.
    - "Redyan Ship" changed to "Redyan Merchant Ship".
    - Moved around some sellables in the merchant pool - Most notable is that Redyan Merchants no longer sell Rebel Intel.
    - Grenade physics changed (less bouncy).
    - Removed crafting of IV-2 Nightmare and replaced it with the "Annual Events" map.
    - Dialogue additions to the dialogue files.
    - Reduced chance to encounter Redyan Ship.
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