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United Systems Expansion v4.2 "Final Woes"

Hostility and Peace

  1. Version 3.25-CH

    - Fixed some Auto-Bomber pieces.
    - Updated Rebel Base - Less empty space. It's also now shielded but now also has a heavily defended shield room.
    - Updated "First Assault".

    - Spelling fixes in codexes.
    - Fixed item farming exploit in First Assault.

    - Added Auto-Bomber MG to replace the placeholder "marker" turrets on the Auto-Bomber dungeons.
    - Some new "bullet-hell" enemies.

    Weapons, Armors and Items
    - Added "Portable S-1945-XU Weapons Dealer" which can be purchased from the S-1945-XU Weapons Dealer.

    - Further reduced chance to find Rec-Facility.

    - Added "IV-2 Nightmare" mission - A classic bullet hell shoot'em up level as part of a late halloween event. Event will end on the 8th of November. The mission will be unlocked after crafting the map and accepting the quest. After the 8th of November the mod will update and the "IV-2 Nightmare" will change into a hub world for special events instead of the original bullet hell map.
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