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United Systems Expansion v4.2 "Final Woes"

Hostility and Peace

  1. Version 3.25-B

    - Changed the way the doors were locked in the Recreational Facility, hopefully fixing the AI mindlessly running into locked doors.
    - Added an Auto-Bomber piece.

    - Grammatical and spelling fixes.

    - Disguised GBI Agents can now wield Colt Monitor Rifles.
    - Rebel Scientists can now use the Galant Rifle.

    Weapons, Armors and Items
    - Nerfed the Kalash-84 Sniper into the dirt. 300 dmg [AP + Multiple-Enemy-Piercing] is ridiculous. Atleast it has a tracer bullet now.
    - Slightly Nerfed all Eagle Rifles.
    - Removed "AP" designation from Hornet.
    - Tightened spread of underbarrel shotgun.
    - Underbarrel 20mm severely nerfed.
    - Hornet HE slightly buffed.
    - AT-RR 200mm slightly buffed.
    - Buffed Colt Monitor Rifle.
    - Buffed AP-762.
    - Removed the little antennae on the "Riot Helmet".

    - Added XMG-16.
    - Added Stahlhelm.

    - Added a generic codex.
    - Minor treasure pool changes.
    - Minor codex changes.
    - Dialogue changes.
    - Updated Leeds City Campaign Mech.
    - S-1945-XU Weapons Dealer now sells 2 extra packs: "The Explosive Eagle Pack" and "The Experimental Extras Pack". Also some weapons have been moved around.
    - Weapons Catalogue Updated.
    - Helena's dialogue updated.

    - Added another "trade" quest from Helena.
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