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U.S.C.M Kestrel 1.1

A U.S.C.M human ship with a smoother layout resembling The Kestrel from FTL.

  1. ProfKnox
    The U.S.C.M Kestrel replaces the human ship with a smoother layout resembling The Kestrel from FTL.

    The ship:

    The ship in-game:

    I really liked the look of the vanilla human ship, but was never a fan of its awkward layout. I based this new layout from The Kestrel from Faster Than Light, in which the flow of the rooms should resemble that of The Kestrel.

    The ship itself looks much like the "hammerhead" style of the vanilla human ship with U.S.C.M equipment and a blue paint job.

    I used vanilla assets for the hull, however the interior is mainly taken from the USS Polaris and the USS Gilgamesh ship mods. The ship has some unique backgrounds that come with invisible blocks (craftable at a tier1 workbench) so that you can hang objects on the walls.

    Currently, the mod only changes the human ship to the U.S.C.M Kestrel, with the full ship available from Tier1. Starting small and adding rooms at each upgrade doesn't really work with these kinds of unique ships.

    I also made the U.S.C.M Kestrel - Medbay Variant which relocates the player spawn to the medbay rather than below engineering, keeping the old teleporter there as well. This is if you want your crewmembers to wander around the medbay, rather than way off on the other side of the ship.
    More information and the download here:

    Guide on packing/unpacking mods:

    The USS Polaris mod:

    The Steam Workshop version:
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
    TheSlakingDogo likes this.

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  1. U.S.C.M Kestrel

Recent Reviews

  1. kay250000
    Version: 1.1
  2. TheSlakingDogo
    Version: 1.1
    This is wonderful..
    This is all I need for a ship.
    I hope you can make some more of them pleas!