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The Transmutation Chest v 0.2.3 - Glad Giraffe

Create a chest to transmute your unused materials to the ones you really need.

  1. The Transmutation Chest

    Version 0.2.3 - Update to make compatible with Glad Giraffe. Mostly quest template updates.
  2. The Transmutation Chest

    Version 0.2.2 - This update simply fixes an issue that came up with the latest patch. There was a slight change to the quest template, and the mod needed to be updated to match.
  3. The Transmutation Chest

    Version 0.2.1 - Added back some of the high tier ores/compounds that were missing. Added some new farmables, and new meats that are in the latest version of the game. Increased the drop rate of leather for low tier creatures. (Make sure you are hunting)
  4. The Transmutation Chest

    Version 0.2.0 - Upbeat Giraffe
    Updated the mod for Upbeat Giraffe.
    Some changes include the use of diamonds instead of diamondores to create dust. (diamondore doesn't seem to exist anymore)
    Initial quest is started by obtaining plantfibre.
  5. The Transmutation Chest

    Version 0.1.5 - Finished adding the items/materials from Industrialization Mod.
    No-Bo-Dy and ukbajwa10 like this.
  6. The Transmutation Chest

    Version 0.1.4

    It has been a very long time since I have done anything with modding and Starbound. I have finally spent some time starting to add some of the Industrialization Mod's Materials. For those who were waiting on those, here is my first pass. I am still missing some of the items, but went through the basic materials.

    Newly added transmutable items included below:
    ---- Items from Industrialization ----...
    ukbajwa10 likes this.
  7. The Transmutation Chest

    Version 0.1.3 - Added all of the farmables and their seeds. See the list for their values. I also added a small version of the Transmutation Chest and the Golden Chest.

    To get the small version of the Transmutation Chest place it in a Golden Chest in the first slot.
    To get the small version of the Golden Chest place it in the 'product' slot of the Transmutation Chest.

    This operation does not work backwards, so you will be stuck with small chests if...
  8. The Transmutation Chest

    Version 0.1.2 - Found one typo with durasteel. Fixed several higher level bars and ores that use a capital letter in their name, causing them not to work.
  9. The Transmutation Chest

    Version 0.1.1 - Added a lot of new items to the list! These additions were mostly to do with the materials you find around the universe including many building materials that you cannot create on your own at the crafting table. See the list below:

