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Outdated The Kill la Kill Pack 1.63

Kill la Kill hairstyles, weapons and clothing!

  1. v1.2: New hairstyles, updated sprites and balanced weapons!

    Thank you all for downloading my mod, and I hope that this will be one of many updates!
    • added Mako's and Satsuki's hairstyles to the human female character creation
    • changed the Life Fiber sprite to a cleaner one; antialiasing is my arch-nemesis
    • changed the weapon sprites to be shorter, on Higdel's request
    • changed the weapon stats to have the same DPS, but different swing speeds and swing damages to give a variety of fighting styles
    The last one is particularly important, because I spent the entire day trying to figure out what exactly affected the weapon stats and how it affected them. Because I wanted the DPS of the weapons to be the same and I already had specific swing speeds in mind, I used this formula to find out the swing damage (or "power", as it is written in the code) that I should use for each weapon:
    swing damage = ( damage per second / in-game swing speed ) / weapon level damage multiplier (which is found in assets\leveling\levelingmultipliers.functions)

    Next update, I will finally be adding Senketsu in his inactive form and some new crafting materials to make things more interesting. That will be version 1.4!
    Higdel likes this.
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