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Outdated The Geth Geth 1.3.2 "The Dropship"

A playable race called The Geth from the Mass Effect Series.

  1. New Dropship and few small additions

    The Element
    Geth 1.3.2

    I have finally implemented a freaking Dropship!!
    I have just recently changed jobs "Car Salesman"

    This update is to add just a few things most importantly the new Dropship designed by ... Me...and a new Captains Chair Plus new shiny Tech Station on board Geth Frigate.

    Still WIP

    Closing up the tier 1 updates for now! Still very early and does not have tier 2-10! The next update will include touch ups to the current build and then will go into tier 2 items and objects!

    If there is any questions or suggestions feel free to PM me! If there are any problems you encounter please ask and I will give a solution! As always Please Rate and Review if you like :)
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