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Outdated The Amorybound Wars 0.5.3

Starbound meets The Amory Wars! Includes balanced (but useful) back items for your characters!

  1. Two new Emblems, more balancing, and updated pixel art!

    • Two new Emblems have been added, "Chase's Emblem" and "Writer's Emblem".
    • Sprite artwork completely redone from the ground up on most items.
    • Since two new Emblems have indeed been added, the stats and buffs have been tweaked for each Emblem to keep a decent balance.
    • The original crafting recipes for each Emblem did not make any sense in the least. This has been rectified, requiring a lot more items to craft each Emblem. This allows to make each Emblem you craft feel rewarding, and so you're not going through the lowered tiered Emblems too quickly.
    • Rage's text changed back to how it originally is in vanilla.
    • Other small changes that aren't worth a mention.
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