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Outdated The Amorybound Wars 0.5.3

Starbound meets The Amory Wars! Includes balanced (but useful) back items for your characters!

  1. Emblem crafting recipes tweaked.

    For 0.4.7, the recipes were alright, but they were quite unnecessary. I cleaned up how crafting works for the Emblems now (even though you'll be getting iron a lot earlier before oil or bottled healing water for new characters), the pacing seems a lot more logical to me; a much better sense of progression.

    One huge oversight I had with the previous version was that you could craft The Writer's emblem immediately after Claudio's if you didn't trash the other Emblems; that has been fixed as well.

    ...annnnnnnnndddddddd this is probably the very very very last last last update. I know I said this before, but I lied because I wanted to make the modification much better, and I wanted a graphics update. Again, I will probably only update the mod if update to the code is needed for future Starbound stable version functionality and compatibility; as well as update the mod if any bugs were found, especially if they're critical bugs that need to be fixed.

    ...Once again, I apologize for all the updates!
    Nurmetya likes this.
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