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Outdated The Amorybound Wars 0.5.3

Starbound meets The Amory Wars! Includes balanced (but useful) back items for your characters!

  1. Crafting station update, and crafting recipe changes.

    While the old crafting station graphic was of my own creation, I decided to just edit the colors of the Glitch Codex and use that instead. One reason why I decided to do this was because I wasn't happy with the graphic for the crafting station I made, and it didn't fit in with the other Starbound sprites very well (same could be said for the Emblems I suppose). Another reason why was for space (now you have more options where you can place it).

    You won't have to delete the crafting station you already have with 0.4.5, if you plan on using 0.4.6, but the crafting station might look a little strange depending on where you placed the other one (simple fix for this is to break it down with your matter manipulator and re-place it).

    The only other change includes crafting recipe adjustments for the Emblems and Crafting Station. Before the crafting station required paper, so if you made a new character, you would have to wait to finish a specific mission for it to be available. I changed that to just wood planks now, so that you're able to craft Cambria's Emblem (at least) with a new character without leaving your home planet. For the Emblems, I just tweaked the amount of items required for balancing.

    Also, I am no longer planning on adding armor or weapons any longer. Tons of modifications already exist for that sort of thing, and I am currently not able to work on modding as much as I used to. Thus, this will probably be the very last update for this mod. Of course, there are exceptions; such as if a nasty bug was found that I need to correct, or if Starbound updates to a specific stable version that requires me to update the files for compatibility and functionality.

    At any rate, you're awesome if you took the time to read this all. Even if you didn't, you're still awesome! Thanks for all the support and suggestions for this mod that you guys provide(d), I really do appreciate it greatly. :)
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