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Outdated The Amorybound Wars 0.5.3

Starbound meets The Amory Wars! Includes balanced (but useful) back items for your characters!

  1. Rage values tweaked, and crafting station available.

    • Since I have weapons and armors (possibly furniture items as well) planned down the line, I thought that I'd get a crafting station out of the way. To keep it lore friendly with The Amory Wars, the crafting station is a book on top of a table with a book stand. Yes, you can indeed craft from a book. Become all the amazing writers that you aspire to be. :)
    • I still felt that the Rage buff was still way too powerful, so I tweaked it once more. Cambria's Emblem now gives 10% instead of 30%, and each emblem upgrade will now give a +10% increase, as opposed to 15%. Claudio's Emblem now gives a 50% power increase, as opposed to 100% (now you're dealing x1.5 damage instead of x2.0).
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