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Outdated TF2 Hats mod 0.3

Adds lots of hats of the game "Team Fortress 2" into Starbound!

  1. Updated to version 0.3

    Fixed some hats.

    Added misc! (yeeey finally)

    -The Default Scout Clothing.

    -The Delinquent's Down Vest.

    -Added the following back items (With its own motion animation)

    -The Boston Boom Bringer (Sadly it has no sound).

    -Dillinger's Duffel

    -Added a Tyrant's helm unusual version (basically is a test).

    If you want, you can leave a comment saying which one is the next hat you'll want in the mod!

    And, if you find a bug, please report it! Thanks!

    More hats and miscs comming soon! :D

    Scout, you look some more... fishy.
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