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Outdated Terran 0.9.2 [v. Upbeat Giraffe]

Ultramodern human

  1. Quantum Relay Supply System

    The first version of Quantum Relay Supply System (QRSS for short) which will be a custom crafting table to craft Terran Command stuff.

    The lore behind this, is that it's not actually crafting it. It's been teleported in from a Terran Command supply depot in an unknown location.

    For now, it's all free, and it can only craft the Terran Command sign. Which is still VIP.

    Here's a gif of the QRSS. The "portal" still looks like crap, and I hope to improve this soon....
  2. Updated the Terran sign and starter ship

    So basically not a huge update.
    I reworked the starter ship a bit:

    The "Terran" text color matches the dark grey, and is a bit more easy to read. Used the Starbound font called 04b03, hobo.ttf in Assets/interface.

    Also updated the sign with that same font, and added some more text. It also looks much cleaner now. I'll might update it more in the future to make it look more torn, like the USCM one....
  3. New sign!

    So I tried my hand at pixel art, and made a Terran sign based on the USCM sign.
    And this is my result:
    Absolutely horrible, but it works. And that's something...

    Right now, any character can craft it for free. This might change later. But it probably wont, as there is no reason at all to use it. Except it looks cool.