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Outdated Terran 0.9.2 [v. Upbeat Giraffe]

Ultramodern human

  1. Trans-Matter

    I have added two new crafting tables, and almost 300 new recipes.

    Terran Command introduces you to their newest addition,
    Trans-Matter Manipulator!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    These two blocks do the same thing. However, the animated one, comes now standard equipped in every Terran Command exploration vessels. (Delete to characters shipworld (TAKE BACKUP!), or make a new character.)

    This is a Basic Matter Block: [​IMG] (It's more pale than the normal matter block.)
    Every material in the vanilla game (140 vanilla materials currently exist) can be turned into this Basic Matter Block.

    The same machine, can also turn the Basic Matter Block back into any of those materials.

    Running low on Cobblestone, but got plenty of sand? No problem! Take some sand, turn it into Basic Matter Block, then turn that into Cobblestone. Currently using a 1:1 ratio.

    This may change in the future.

    And currently, all the 140 recipes are included. Such as gold blocks, titanium, platinum and even Matter blocks. I will filter it later and remove those extraordinary rare ones. Or make them more expensive.

    However, that will take lots of manual work.
    But for now, it'll exchange all your basic building blocks into other kinds of building blocks.
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