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Outdated Terran 0.9.2 [v. Upbeat Giraffe]

Ultramodern human

  1. New Terran Cruiser & HDTV update!

    Spent all day in Photoshop, working on a new ship.

    I created the ship before the Bitmap. So of course everything was misaligned. So took me a couple of extra hours fixing that.

    But here it is... The Teleporter is flush with the floor, and it has a HDTV with it. Which you can pick up and move.


    Spent a couple of more hours dealing with the HDTV, and updating it.
    It now has a wire input, which can let you toggle between two different animations states.

    Top one is the default one. And when the input is active, it will display the bottom one.
    teihoo likes this.
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