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Outdated Terran 0.9.2 [v. Upbeat Giraffe]

Ultramodern human

  1. New hairs and a HDTV

    Added the new hairs suggested by @TimeCraked.
    Credits to both @Dragonith and @TimeCraked for the hairs. Used with permission.

    And remade the Apex HDTV with a spinning Terran Command animation.
    That's actually a pretty big milestone for me.
    I managed to animate a non-animated object.

    I still have more plans for the HDTV, so stay tuned for that.

    The HDTV can be crafted for free at the QRSS. This will likely change in the future.
    I'm not doing any balancing as of yet.

    I also have some plans to build more upon the ship. And possibly make it a bit bigger.
    teihoo likes this.
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