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Outdated Terran 0.9.2 [v. Upbeat Giraffe]

Ultramodern human

  1. Meals Ready to Lore!

    (Extremely bad Pun, I know that!)

    New in this update are MRE's. (Meal Ready to Eat)

    These bad boys can be crafted with any edible food currently in the vanilla game. Just get one piece of the food, and one fabric. And craft them together. It can be done on the fly, no need for a crafting table.

    The bonus with this, it will stack all your different foods into one convenient stack. And give you double the food while eating it. So less inventory clutter, and more food! That's the Terran Command guarantee!

    Let's not forget the Terran lore. How the Terran race emerged from the Human race to create a better humanity. Or rather, Terranity?

    Anyway, enjoy!

    And next up...
    New hairs, and whatever is in this photo?


    (Disclaimer: It's only what I'm working on now. I might ditch this and add something new and cooler instead. And rather, add this again later. Or not.)
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