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TenantShop 0.4.2 [Pleased Giraffe]

A Shop providing Tenants furniture, sorted by tags

  1. TenantShop v0.2 [Content Update]


    New version : 0.2

    This version give more tags to be able to create more tenants !


    Added :
    - 6 new tags : Flesh, Mushroom, Odd, Science, Electronic, Evil
    - Updated entry to find the "recipe" for 8 new tenants

    Modified :
    - The codex is a little bit cleaner, and the tenants are sorted by alphabetical order.
    - Price for each item is random.
    - TenantShop Menu is now bigger to have more tags.

    Known bugs :
    - The random price is a trick in order to have multiple entry of the same item in the TenantShop. Doublon items are automatically deleted if the recipe is the same, that's why I put a random price. I will try to find another solution.

    How to install

    Simply replace the old folder with this one if already installed, or put the folder in the /giraffe_storage/mods folder.

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