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Outdated TCG's Chicken Clones V 1.2 (Upbeat Giraffe)

Spawn persistent chickens and robotic chickens.

  1. Updated for Upbeat Giraffe

    Nothing new added, but now compatible with Upbeat Giraffe. Special thanks to Olxinos, who helped me stop these poor chickens from exploding at birth.
  2. Enraged Koala Update

    Third time is the charm: Updated for Enraged Koala. Sorry for my earlier mistakes, it should be working properly now.
    User011232 likes this.
  3. Persistent Chickens

    After studying more of the existing lua files, the capturepod lua specifically, I learned how to make them persistent. So enjoy more permanent livestock.

    I advise caution when spawning a large number of chickens. I don't know how large numbers of persistent mobs will effect the game.