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Outdated TARDIS Warp 1.2

Retextures Beam up/down + inspection button

  1. Fixed Dropbox link.

    The dropbox link was apparently broken. I have had a few friends test the one im updating with so hopefully it will work now

    Sorry about that
  2. Updated to Beta v. Furious Koala and the new .pak system

    Hi guys,

    Sorry I took a little longer then I expect to get this updated. Clara must have been hanging onto the outside.

    Anyway I have updated the mod to the current beta version Beta v. Furious Koala

    I have also set up the mod with the new .pak system that was added in the last beta update, so now the mod is only two files :) The down side is that making it a .pak file made the mod bigger and can no longer be directly hosted on this site. You will have to get it from a dropbox link from...
  3. Retextured the inspect button

    I retextured the inspect button (the little magnifying glass) to be a sonic screwdriver.