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Outdated student Tools 0.1

Low tier tools for new characters!

  1. student 20
    Okay, this is the first mod I've ever posted publicly, so go easy on me :)

    Have you ever been playing Starbound and wondered why you couldn't make a Pickaxe out of Iron? Do you miss the stone ax from earlier versions, and wish there was a low level tool that was better for felling trees?

    Yeah, I did too.

    So I made this mod. It adds Iron Picks, Axes, and Hoes to the Anvil list and Steel varieties of the same tools to the Metalwork Station.

    What do these new tools do? Nothing spectacular - they're meant to make the earlier game run a bit more smoothly and quickly. Here's a rough outline:
    • ironpickaxebig.png Iron Pickaxe: Essentially the same as the Copper Pickaxe. It lasts a bit longer, but not much. Craft it at the Iron Anvil with 5 Iron Bars.
    • ironaxebig.png Iron Lumber Ax: Faster than the Matter Manipulator at felling trees, but still nothing spectacular. Craft it at the Iron Anvil with 3 Iron Bars.
    • ironhoebig.png Iron Hoe: You really needed a better version of the Hoe? Well, this is it. It's not much better, but then how much improvement do you need? Craft this status symbol at the Iron Anvil with 25 Wood Planks and 15 Iron Bars.
    • steelpickaxebig.png Steel Pickaxe: About equal to the Gold Pickaxe, but tougher. It also mines in a 4x4 area, which is nice. The drawback is that it only mines in a 4x4 area... there's no alternate size. Craft it at the Metal Workstation with 5 Steel Bars.
    • steelaxebig.png Steel Lumber Ax: Faster than the Iron Ax, this one is a serious tree-slayer! Craft it at your Metal Workstation with 3 Steel Bars.
    • steelhoebig.png Steel Hoe: If you feel the need to bother with it, it'll make your farming marginally easier. But seriously, the standard hoe is enough for anyone. Craft this one at the Metal Workstation for 25 Wood Planks and 20 Steel Bars. I mean, if you really want to.
    None of these are meant to be "god items" or even to cause a major disruption in play. My hope was to make their addition as seamless and non-cheaty as possible.

    If you're wondering about the hoes, I included them for completion's sake. If this is popular enough, I might expand it to include mining drills and other niceties. I'm also well aware that the resource Icon is complete crap ;-) It's a placeholder until I can come up with something better.

    All feedback is appreciated!

    EDIT: I am SO sorry! I forgot to thank xxswatelitex for his/her superlative Unofficial Modding Ebook. It's a fantastic resource to new modders. If you're thinking about making a mod, read it! I never could have made any mod at all without this fantastic resource!

    I also need to thank lazarus78 and Kayuko for their fast and informative responses to my question. You guys rock!

Recent Reviews

  1. deliriousbiznasty
    Version: 0.1
    very nice to have the old tools back, with added upgrades :)
  2. Morjax
    Version: 0.1
    For those who prefer to watch than read: https://youtu.be/Nh_XAQxpoHs

    This mod is a good one to get you on your feet when starting a new character, and for late game farming! The improved picks, and axes give you a leg up when starting off before you upgrade your matter manipulator. The hoe, I found to provide less utility, but then again, I don't do a ton of farming.

    The axe and hoe will provide utility extending further into your playtime, especially if you're one who likes to farm trees or foods. The picks become slowly less useful as you upgrade your matter manipulator, but it takes a while to get there, so you'll get many solid swings in before then!

    I'd give this 4/5 from the perspective that the utility diminishes as your manipulator catches up, but since it does precisely what is says on the tin, I give an overall 5/5!