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Outdated Starscape: Biomes, Planets, Sectors, and Stars 1.2.1

Explore the wonders of the cosmos with these new biomes, planets, sectors, and stars!

  1. Starfury

    Furious Koala compatible!

    Sector Y now has PvP enabled!

    Added more binary stars!
    Added trinary (three star) systems!

    Modified system types so that new stars can be added without forcing users to wipe their universe.

    New patch available to make this compatible with the latest version of Variety is the Spice of the Universe! Full installation instructions will be on Starscape's main page shortly, but all you have to do is install Variety and Starscape, download the patch, and extract the patch folders into your mod directory, merging and replacing any folders and files when prompted to do so.
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