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Outdated Starscape: Biomes, Planets, Sectors, and Stars 1.2.1

Explore the wonders of the cosmos with these new biomes, planets, sectors, and stars!

  1. 1.1.0 New sectors, new planets, new biomes!

    Version 1.1.0 has arrived and brings lots of new things to explore!

    Epsilon Sector (threat level 5) - Unlocked after using Durasteel Tech Upgrade.
    Zeta Sector (threat level 6) - Unlocked after using the Aegisalt Tech Upgrade.
    Eta Sector (threat level 7) - Unlocked after using the Ferozium Tech Upgrade.
    Theta Sector (threat level 8) - Unlocked after using the Cerulium Tech Upgrade.
    Iota Sector (threat level 9) - Unlocked after using the Violium Tech Upgrade.
    Kappa Sector (threat level 10) - Unlocked after using the Rubium Tech Upgrade.

    Sector X (threat level 3-6) - Unlocked by using the Starmap Upgrade X, available to craft at a Robotic Assembly Table after using the Durasteel Tech Upgrade.
    Sector Y (threat level 7-10) - Unlocked by using the Starmap Upgrade Y, available to craft at a Robotic Assembly Table after using the Cerulium Tech Upgrade.

    Planets and moons now come in a wider variety of sizes!
    Tiny, Very Small, Small, Medium, Large, Very Large, and Huge!

    Three new biomes have been added! These biomes exist in the vanilla game, but will not normally generate without a mod.

    Savannah - Dry, dusty plains, found from Gamma Sector on.
    Ocean - A deep ocean, found from Epsilon Sector on.
    Arctic - A freezing cold ocean, found from Theta Sector on.

    How to Install:
    Delete the old version of Starscape from your mod directory and unzip the new version into your mod directory.
    ex. steamapps/common/Starbound/mods

    The "celestial.config" and "planetgen.config" files both now take advantage of merge. Though there are still likely to be issues with other mods that modify these files, hopefully they'll be fewer.

    This update will once again alter your universe folder! I strongly suggest you start a new character when playing with this mod. Backing up your universe folder is also a good idea.
    If you want to play with an existing character, be sure to pack everything you don't want to lose into your ship. Backing up your universe and player folders is also a good idea.
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