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Outdated Star Wars - The Ancient Forge Mod 1.3.3

Forge your lightsabers and be the Jedi you always wanted to be.

  1. The Ancient Forge Mod v1.3.3

    So, I heard your wishes and now I added a LightAxe, na awesome and brutal plasma axe.
    Like all the weapons, there are 7 colors for it and it's tiered from t1 to t10.
    There is only one model, but maybe I'll add more later.

    Sorry for the slow work, but with the university, it's kinda hard to mod.

    Thank you and "may the force be with you"!

    PS: So... I'm planning on doing much cool things on this mod, but I'm a newbie yet. I need somebody to teach me how to work with the game scripts so I can add some bosses and some techs. Anyone willing to help me, please message me inbox. Thx!

    PS2: As I don't have time to test some stuff from my mod, I really need your feedback. And I'm lacking feedback. So, if you've already tested tiered weapons and/or found a Crystal Cave Biome, please let me know, say it in the Discussion Forum and tell me your experience. Thx!
    Jujuubs, DeffreyJahmer and dawnstorme like this.
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