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Outdated Star Wars in Starbound 0.5.4b

Various Tech Items, Armors, Races, and more from the Star Wars Universe!

  1. Two New Armor Sets, Twi'Lek Species Update

    dash-rendar-v1.png mandalore-the-preserver-v1.png

    First off, thanks everyone for your patience while this week has been spent cleaning up a lot of items in the mod rather than adding content. I wanted to be sure to get at least one solid update off over the weekend if only as a way of saying thanks for the support and patience!

    Durallis has continued his work on the Twi'Lek species and added the first option for a "wrapped" lekku - one of the more difficult aspects of the species to this point. I'm sure we'll continue to see this evolve, but this has a really, really neat effect already.

    Complete Changelog:

    • Twi'lek color scheme and hairstyles updated by @Durallis
    • Added Mandalore the Preserver Armor v 1.0
    • Added Dash Rendar Gear v 1.0
    Amberes and Greedilox like this.
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